“I also let him know that I would not be able to participate on his economic council. Joining the group was not meant to be an endorsement of the President or his agenda but unfortunately it has been misinterpreted to be exactly that.”
“I also let him know that I would not be able to participate on his economic council. Joining the group was not meant to be an endorsement of the President or his agenda but unfortunately it has been misinterpreted to be exactly that.”
he doesn’t listen to anyone but steve bannon. reasonable people aren’t going to be heard.
The race to the bottom continues. Come move to the west coast everyone. It’s great, we have weed and tacos.
But that’s what he SAYS and his followers eat that shit up because for some reason it makes perfect sense to them and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST HOW HAVE ALL OF THESE IDIOTS MANAGED TO KEEP THEMSELVES ALIVE INTO ADULTHOOD IT IS INSANE THAT THEY REMEMBER TO BREATHE
you know how people say new york is nice to visit, but i wouldnt want to live there?
He has two resorts planned in Indonesia! Who would have guessed it?
Thank you for posting this. Also, every attack on out democracy happened on a Friday (so far). By Friday February 3, 2017, Congress might be stripped of their power to check the office of the president. Look what happened with the Muslim ban and how the members of Congress were scrambling to respond.
I’ve tried to forget my many mistakes from the 90s....
Did nobody tell him about the mirror? Or could he just not wait for the shutter noise?
The Constitution only says you can own guns and that you can’t be fired for being racist.
Brooks vs Sumner. Never forget.
This is not about religion
Well, tell us who! I’m on it!
I just made a monthly recurring donation that was about what my 2017 raise was. I haven’t gotten used to having yet, so I don’t need it.
Planned Parenthood got my Christmas money. I haven’t missed a single thing I thought I wanted.
Dying laughing here at the thought of your dog laying on her back, looking at you and thinking “CHOP CHOP HUMAN, I’VE GOT A FULL DAY AHEAD OF ME!”
the toilet thing is hilarious.
You can be active on media, social and otherwise, spreading truth. You can put up a website about how to donate to organizations that are helping. You can put your own dollars towards supporting those organizations, as you’re able. You can march. You can create memorable art - bumper stickers, posters, Instagram…
I never want to hear a single person use the “they should be following the law” argument again because, clearly, “illegals” aren’t the only ones being targeted.
Not only refugees are being turned away, though that is very tragic and unfortunate. US permanent residents - green card holders - who are currently overseas are also being turned away and told they can’t come back to the US. They can’t come back to their home where they’ve lived for years, where they have a job and…