What has five hands and is that conflicted?
What has five hands and is that conflicted?
Om my gosh now I’m picturing my 80-year-old grandmother (who can walk just fine) riding around on one of those things rounding all these young men up like some kind of horny octogenarian sheepdog...
A note on PPH in my city — absolutely amazing!
was about to post this! You mean you’d still rather have a procedure that will prevent you from dying for a nonviable pregnancy? WHAT KIND OF MADWOMAN ARE YOU?!?!
At the end of my pregnancy, I kept having my doctor reassure me that the craziest things were “perfectly normal.” “Doc, I look like I’m walking on two enormous marshmallows instead of feet, I’m hungry all the time but can’t eat without severe heartburn, and I get winded walking more than ten feet. Also, I'm speaking…
Google. I had seen it previously so I just searched “pro-choice RBG”.
Give my son an apple, he’ll eat the outside until all the skin is gone and leave the rest (unless he’s really hungry). Slice him up an apple and he’ll eat the inside but leave the skin. Kids are just weird sometimes.
As long as one of the choices is a food they don’t hate, that will work just fine.
I wonder if giving kids options when it came to food would help, like “Do you want chicken and potatoes for dinner, or mac and cheese?” or “What kind of veggie do you want tonight?” Then they’d have a semblance of control but without it being a huge headache for the parents.
Kids should be required to at least try anything before they reject it because “it looks funny,” though. I don’t agree with making kids eat everything they hate, but they damn sure shouldn’t get to sit in their plain-hamburgers-with-ketchup-and-maybe-plain-cheese-pizza comfort zone all the time (I’M LOOKING AT YOU, MY…
Then they’ve left us with no other choice.
I would want all of my bridesmaids to be able to fit in one bathroom if my dress were to fall apart last minute or my groom ran off with a vixen. One bathroom = no more than 4 max.
For me, it’s like this: I remember the shenanigans I got up to as a teenager and the thought of WeePiglet doing stuff like that HORRIFIES ME. Mostly because I’m not sure I’m doing a good job of teaching her what’s good and what’s not good and there’s no way to know for sure if I’m getting it right. It’s TERRIFYING.…
TEXAS. YOU GUYS. The teens are sexing. They have always sexed. They will continue to sex. They are never not trying to get stuff in and around their junk.
Give them condoms, teach them emotional intelligence, take the shame out of learning about their bodies. Everybody just fucking chill and nobody will get…
I think in the US they push pretty hard for at least one overnight. I delivered my son around 5 AM and I feel like they would have been none too pleased with me asking to go home that afternoon or evening. Of course that would have spared me a night of listening to my husband bitch about sleeping on a hospital easy…
A group of LGBT commentators called for restraint when news first started breaking about Bruce Jenner’s potential…
Every shit-trough of Crazy has a few diamonds of Truth sprinkled through it!
Spoke to my father about this just a few hours ago. He was a police officer for 20+ years. He never shot his gun in that entire time and he said that if you are afraid of a cell phone, you should probably find another career besides being a police officer.
“Any police officer especially would have reacted in the exact same way I reacted”