
You’d think so but he was only 2 when the war ended and since he doesn’t remember anything about it, movies about WWII are OK. Das Boot is one of his favorites.

When Apollo 13 came out in theaters, my dad said he didn’t want to see it because he knew how it ended so it wouldn’t be a surprise.

He’s my congressman and given the way our area voted in the Presidential election, it’ll stay red. Pittsburgh is the only blue part around here & his district doesn’t include the city. Don’t like a lot of what he does but Rep. Murphy was one of the more sane voices on mental health reform.

I really want to see this but my husband doesn’t, gotta think of a way to blackmail him into it. I saw Saving Private Ryan by myself and that was a huge mistake.

Yup. Don’t matter who you are, no OB with any sense would allow that. You’re high risk from the moment they find out you’re carrying multiples.

People are crazy. I told my husband go to dinner with one of his female graduate school friends (yes he has more than one) all by himself *gasp* and I seriously had a few people say why didn’t you go? Um, because I don’t know her and all they will want to talk about is organic chemistry which I find insanely boring.

I was planning on doing that this summer in our yard. We have a common area behind our house that is full of nothing but deer & turkeys, perfect place to put something like this up.

I think we’ve all heard those stories, makes you wonder what’s going through people’s minds. I’m not sure my Aunt and Mom actually did the washing, I don’t think they really cared about who got the glass wear for them it was more him giving good stuff to someone none of them liked. There was a friendly debate among

My Mom & Aunt found stickers on my Grandpa’s stuff when they were moving him into assisted living that designated some really good glassware to his special lady friend who most of us hated. Aunt wondered out loud how bad it would be to wash the stuff and “accidentally” wash off the stickers.

TBH this goes both ways. Many moons ago when I was in Girl Scouts we took an overnight trip to Fort Malden in Ontario. One of the girls was from Japan and even though the scout leaders had all the right paperwork, the border guards threw a fit that she didn’t have some particular paperwork. I can’t remember what it

The BBC report is brief and devoid of any further explanation as to how a 53-year-old dies of “natural causes.”

Somehow I could see her doing that.

Not surprising. When I had my twins, I was told not to go anywhere after 28 weeks and I ended up delivering at 33 weeks. A vast majority of multiples arrive early even if you’re in excellent heath & physical shape like she is. Our bodies just aren’t made to carry more than one at a time!

It probably wouldn’t be that great if you’re tall but I bought one for my kids’ bathroom and it’s helped a lot. The top is textured, slightly sloped and the bottom has non-skid feet.

It probably wouldn’t be that great if you’re tall but I bought one for my kids’ bathroom and it’s helped a lot. The

I’m a little bummed about becoming part of the EU but then travel there will be cheaper so yea! My Canadian-born father will be happy to be part of Canada again.

I really can’t put into words how much I hate Trump but I also really hate when people try to make an armchair diagnosis. Until I see a report from an actual, competent doctor I’m just going to assume Trump is an ass who doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into and can’t break his habit of lying.

My husband says Trump should start watching Schoolhouse Rock ASAP!

My husband cannot wait for Trump to sue these women. He said if the cases are filed the discovery portion will force them to release all those Apprentice tapes. But he also said if Trump’s lawyers are any good they won’t let him sue. Bummer.

I think I’m viewing it in more general terms, not in that what the nanny is saying is actually true about that particular situation but that what she is describing is all too often very real. You really could have substituted my family (minus the famous people & lots of money) for all the names in the nanny’s story.

I’m going to have to agree with nanny on this one. My grandmother demonized my grandfather and as a consequence my dad and uncle didn’t see their sisters for over 50 years. Thankfully the siblings reconnected after my grandparents passed away but there are so many things we can’t talk about because the wounds are so