My brother moved to Miami last summer. He delights in texting me the current temp. Bastard.
My brother moved to Miami last summer. He delights in texting me the current temp. Bastard.
I would have freaked, good for you for staying & getting it done!
My nephew's mom is an antivaxxer. She used to be a nurse who worked with sick kids. Boggles the mind.
My Grandfather would actually use a scalpel to open his presents. No, he wasn't a doctor & yes, it drove us crazy.
And tons of videos! My cousin discovered her daughter stole her phone one morning & there were some interesting videos taken. We're not sure what the little one was saying but I'm fairly sure it was a manifesto for world domination.
My dog does that with his band of shame (AKA the belly band). Put it on him at my IL's when we visited & he pretty much slept the whole time it was on. Took it off & manic dog appeared.
I won't go into my rage inducing rant about how horrible this show is as I love history but the real Mary was probably raped by her 3rd husband Lord Bothwell. Which set into motion her eventual abdication, flight to England & execution. Real history is so much more interesting people!
I think for a Brit that was yelling.
Totally can do it. Dirty Jobs had an episode where Mike went to a hatchery & helped sort the baby chicks.
LOL I'm from A2 & my mother threw a fit that we didn't get married there. We didn't have a crazy destination wedding but having it 1,500 miles from A2 in the USA town my husband & I were living in really cut down on how many people attended. If I had it in A2 the guest list would easily have been 300+ people, most of…
Well, I know what book to add to my book collection! I love history & books on history that examines women's roles are sadly lacking but getting better. This sounds like it's right up my alley, thanks!
Fun fact. The diamond in my wedding ring cost about $16 (it's tiny) & putting it in the ring cost something like $50. Cracked us up when the jeweler told us that as he was pricing out the cost.
I just can't ... too wonderful for words! These ladies are amazing & I am so happy for them. My husband's family lives in Davenport, wonder if Ms. Boyack was a teacher to one of my in-laws. I must find out!!
I don't know much about Ireland but since Northern Ireland still overseen by the UK couldn't she have traveled there for an abortion? Not saying it would have been possible but is it an option instead of women having to travel to England? Or is Northern Ireland controlled by the rules of Ireland on this matter? Which…
It was very tough especially since I was caring for newborn twins (do not miss that stage at all!) when I started having suicidal thoughts. My husband was amazing in what he had to deal with but the whole experience of sitting in the sterile hospital room where I couldn't even have shoelaces or 15 minutes to myself &…
*stands&applauds* This is how I felt after dealing with post-postpartum depression so bad it put me in the hospital twice. Now I want everyone to tell this everyone who told me to just shake it off. It's a brilliant way to put it.
My 6 year old. And some adults I've met. Seriously.
We redshirted our twin boys, mostly because they were born 6 weeks early & one of them has some developmental delays. An extra year out of Kindergarten has been good for him but we did put them in a Junior Kindergarten so they kept getting the academic/social skills necessary. Wouldn't recommend it for everyone & it…