What if the White Black Panther Purple Heart combat vet baby is also a fetus?
What if the White Black Panther Purple Heart combat vet baby is also a fetus?
He does live in a blackout area. Because irony is dead. My first thought on the lefty was Koufax, though.
At some point in my adult life I realized I had heard vin’s voice more than any other. I felt it was a sign of a life well lived.
I cried. I cried a whole lot
And there’s also the thing where if you DON’T say something, if you laugh at the joke, you’re rewarded as someone who can hang, and you get told you’re one of the good ones, not like the other women, who are too sensitive and can’t handle things. The reward for which is that you get career advancement, and you get to…
This is spot on. The thing about a lot of sexual harassment analysis is that it assumes harassment is always about some kind of arousal, and therefore the solution is to either cause women to avoid arousing men or to teach men to control their impulses around women.
Yep. Hell, a fairly substantial component of even substance addiction is compulsive behavior. I think Weinstein is probably a sex addict, and like many addicts who get in trouble, his first thought is “how can I manipulate/lie/intimidate my way out of this particular jam, get things back to normal, and deal with the…
I don’t think Weinstein is beyond help just because he is accused of rape. I believe he’s insincere in his desire to change because every single statement that I’ve seen from him includes some variation on the theme of “this is hard FOR ME/I hope I can have a second chance.” He tried to kill the NYT story up until it…
He’s not getting help. He’s talking to the paparazzi about how he wants a second chance because he’s “not ok” and he’s “trying.” If he were serious about actually getting help (or even looking like he wants it), he’d be inpatient somewhere already.
Ikea has meatballs and ice cream and stuff to sit on. This take is wrong.
Toys ‘R’ Us. Cracked-out children ignoring reason and safety in pursuit of overpriced garbage, the inevitable nuclear meltdowns when (despite the fact that you told them nineteen billion times you were there to get a gift for the birthday party and nothing else) the kids realize that no, they’re not getting that…
Weinstein is accused of rape. Not being vaguely gross, not even leering or making suggestive comments: premeditated, extensively planned, serial RAPE. What in the hell is this “oh maybe I can get help” bullshit? And why hasn’t he been fucking arrested yet?
This was clearly a press junket type of deal - how did his management and whatever studio rep not kill the day of interviews the minute he started slurring his words? Christ, he can’t keep his eyes open.
This pussy. He should run himself out there sick, get tattooed and blamed for the loss, and possibly compromise his health. Like a man.
Whoa, seriously?!
My first instinct here was to think that maybe firing the board was a bridge too far, but if he’s been settling employment-related claims with company funds, the board had to have known about all of it, and approved the expenditures. So, yeah. The board should go. As should the entire HR structure, tbh.
Captain Go-Whizz, you guys. CAPTAIN GO-WHIZZ.
This story arc sucks. The characters are one-dimensional (really, MARLA is the classiest one out of this group?), the writing is hackneyed and borders on imbecilic (in what universe is “Unfortunately only attention seeking and self-serving noise.” a complete sentence?), and the whole thing really just feels like the…
Who wouldn’t be? Just look at him. That albino white hair. That vaguely yellow skin. Those narrow shoulders on that 5'6" frame. The fact that he probably only does it in complete darkness and cries afterward. They’re only human, for god’s sake.