
Jeez, snowflakes. He was giving her a COMPLIMENT. It’s not like he was saying “boy do I not want a blowjob from that chick.” He was saying the billionaire heiress was attractive enough to give HIM, a WHITE MAN, sex.

Honest q - would Molina have been breaking the Posey rule anyway by standing right in the baseline?

He said it “Sebastian Gorka,” weirdly enough.

Wisconsin: Not on the border.

Donald Trump was wrong.


Merkel invited her because kissing Trump’s ass with meaningless gestures makes him very, very easy to manipulate.

They’re saving them for 2024.

Puig was, of course, appropriately chastized for his glove flip after the throw.

Media Bro: Chelsea, are you running for office?

We didn’t acknowledge any of it until after he was dead (even when he stopped making public appearances everyone was all “oh what a shame this happened after he stopped running the country”). This is all gonna get a LOT weirder.

Even hardcore, gritty, play-the-game-the-right-way assholes don’t ever say you should throw at a guy’s head. Plunk him between the numbers, fine, everyone moves on. A hundred-mph fastball to the head could not only end a guy’s career, it could kill him.

Caitlyn Jenner is a trailblazer. She’s finally proven that trans people can be assholes just the same as anyone else.

It’s possible, but I just don’t think Tucker’s as good as O’Reilly (and by “good,” let me make it EXTREEEEMELY clear that I am not making a value judgment, just an evaluation of skill) - Tucker comes off as smug and condescending, whereas O’Reilly has more of a folksy “just between us, can you BELIEVE these people?”

Ok your thought might be more accurate than mine. God, all these people are the worst.

I think it’s a win because he won’t be on TV spouting BAAAAARELY disguised racist garbage to everyone’s grandparents every night. Not that Carlson is all that much better, but he’s got a smaller following than O’Reilly. Anything that hurts Fox News hurts the propaganda machine, and on that front, I think it’s a solid

Not trying to give Ivanka and Jared credit for anything other than thinking “ew, gross” when faced with the trailer trash on display in those photos.

Reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions can be placed on speech in order to ensure public safety. Whether or not a particular restriction is “reasonable” is a question for the courts, which, as I understand it, is why Coulter has threatened to sue. There has been violence at similar events on Berkeley’s

It’s like if a family of methheads won the lottery.

Wait, Anderson wanted to walk down in foul territory while his own team was hitting? Nothing like spotting something moving on the field just out of the corner of your eye to help you hit a Kershaw curveball, right?