Yep. Shorter version of this article: “I’m a huge asshole and that doesn’t immediately thrill everyone.”
Yep. Shorter version of this article: “I’m a huge asshole and that doesn’t immediately thrill everyone.”
“to be quiet or to be depressed or to blame me is not productive”
Ok but it’s a dome tho.
Typical liberal doubters. Of COURSE the Bowling Green massacre happened. It was masterminded by Hillary and Obama after they did Benghazi with emails and founded ISIS. George Soros paid for it with money from secret pizza human trafficking. And then there were Muslims celebrating it in New Jersey until Frederick…
My first thought reading this: in a week there’s gonna be some poll showing that like 40% of Trump voters think the Bowling Green massacre happened.
I don’t know why anyone is surprised. Trump said repeatedly during the campaign that he would “take out the families” of terrorists or suspected terrorists. Never mind that it’s a war crime, that this kid was fucking EIGHT, or that when you indiscriminately kill children, it tends to galvanize the other side against…
He’s already done it. Just defended the Muslim ban on teevee and everything. I don’t know what he is planning here, but all the liberals on CNN immediately started calling it the Trump/Ryan Muslim ban.
Might I introduce you to a little guy I like to call Paul Ryan?
Whoa there. How dare you insinuate Ann Coulter is a real human.
“Donald Trump wants to bring jobs back so we don’t have soup kitchens. He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.”
Oh, I think we’ll all find out for ourselves soon enough
Ohm...y god this was a good one.
Jon Chait is what happens when the words “well, actually” gain sentience and come to life.
Delete your...just delete everything. You’re the worst.
Evan Rachel Wood always looks like she has just come from, or is just about to start, having extremely good sex.
Believe that’s the case. Apparently “accused serial rapist” plays better in syndication than “convicted rapist.”
She can’t take a punch, and everyone finally figured it out. On the ground, as a grappler, she can’t lose, but she keeps thinking she can stand up.
PLEASE. This was John Lewis’s whole freaking idea in setting this thing up. Come for John Lewis, stay for the ENTIRE AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT up in your SHIT.
He’s not the only one. Claire McCaskill is a fucking sneaky fighter. Patty Murray is a goddamned American hero. The problem with Dems is we don’t put our dirty fighters front and center. We should, but we don’t, because we like the idea that we’re going “high” when they go “low.” Fuck that. It doesn’t work.
Democrats believe in progress, not ideals, and believe that anyone unwilling to compromise ideals for progress is disingenuous. Republicans believe in ideals, not progress, and believe that anyone WILLING to compromise ideals for progress is disingenuous.