I know a survivalist.
I know a survivalist.
Duckworth is a fucking STUD, and I wish she could be President.
Not a thing in the current legislature - the party in power controls the agenda. If the Dems can’t take back at least one house of congress, they’re just shouting into the void.
Dems have been pursuing a top-down strategy for 20 years, on the assumption that demographics would favor them for the presidency. It doesn’t fucking work. If they would take on state races and redraw the maps in 2020, we might have a shot, but there’s no organized movement to fund a fight for statehouses, because…
You are a worthwhile human being. Just because we don’t fully understand your disease doesn’t mean it’s not an organic disease. We don’t know what the fuck is going on with the brain. Someone with a broken leg doesn’t have a “real” disease just because we know how to look for it on an X-ray. You are worthwhile, you…
It’s not about a ghost in the sky. It’s about finding strength, cleaning house, and helping others. If you do those things, however you find them, you can get better. (And I, for one, put my higher power in a couple of pill bottles - do they make me feel better? Yes. Do I fully understand them? No. Do they make it…
I’m so sorry for your friend’s family and what they are going through. Addiction and mental illness are an all-too-common and all-too-easily-dismissed problem. I hope your friend’s sister is able to get the help she needs, and that her family is able to see her disease for the medical problem it is.
Even not-for-profit treatment is often a massive financial undertaking, and peer support groups are not an answer for many (most?) addicts. AA and its ilk have about the same success rate as no treatment whatsoever (which is not to denigrate them, as I believe wholeheartedly in their abilities - I just don’t overstate…
Carrie Fisher has saved my life a couple of times. In the depths of the worst of it, I would put on Wishful Drinking, or go down a youtube rabbit hole of her interviews, or just watch Star Wars. She spoke honestly, and bravely, and - every fucking time - hilariously. She was smart, talented, and my favorite writer.…
Waging a public battle might be a tactic chosen by her lawyers. There are a lot of different ways to handle high-profile divorces, and advantages and disadvantages to each. The advantage of being really public is that it can force the other party into settlement just to make it stop. It’s weird to me that the kids’…
Off to watch Wishful Drinking on loop until she recovers. Because no. This is not happening. I will not have it.
There’s a fine line between seeking out minority voices to speak to their own experience and treating minorities like a curiosity defined entirely by their minority-ness, and assuming they exist just to clear things up for you. As a member of a minority group, I often find myself answering questions about “what do…
They should do just a whole show with him in character as trump. Normal sketches, but he is trump in ALL OF THEM.
Yes he is
guys that kid is clearly experiencing a lot of economic anxiety.
He knows Trump isn’t governed by actual ideals but rather by appeals to his vanity. Obama is an incredibly charismatic and powerful man. If Trump believes he genuinely likes him, Obama might have more influence over him than anyone else. Obama isn’t turning the other cheek. He’s sacrificing his own dignity for the…
Especially when the Dems still have a senate race to fight.
There is something essentially 2016 about the idea that Jill fucking Stein, of all people, would be the one to straighten all this shit out. I don’t think the recount will change anything, but shit, I didn’t think the Cubs would win the World Series or Trump would win the election either.
Condescension is the only thing that allowed the civil rights movement to survive. It’s 2016. If dudes can’t figure this shit out on their own, it’s nobody’s job to fucking tutor them.
My buddy has worked with Gelman for years. He’s the real deal, in terms of taking the problems of minorities seriously. I wish more were like him.