
I feel like you are projecting the thoughts and feelings of a LOT of people who are not me onto me right now.

I’m not arguing in favor of the status quo - I happen to be much more progressive in most of my policy positions than the party as a whole. But you’re establishing a false equivalency. The difference between a party rule that sets a primary schedule in advance and a law regulating who can enter the military is that

In today’s off-topic but of general interest Donald Trump mid afternoon update, in which Mr. Presidential warns of an attack by a “Mexican plane,” then tells some lady that he’s looking into banning Muslims (“with the heebie-jabbies they wear”) from TSA service:

Goddamn. This is a quality comment.

Political parties are under no obligation to have a small-d democratic process in place. If I start the “Smoke-Filled Room” party tomorrow and our only rule is that a secret group of people (you don’t get to know who...ok, it’s me and my dog) picks our candidate in a smoke-filled room, that’s legit. And if enough

If Bernie had ACTUALLY wanted DWS out and real structural change, he would have asked quietly that she step down after she secured re-election in November. Publicly demanding her head in the middle of a contentious re-election campaign for her was about punishing her at a time when Bernie was spinning a bit out of

She’s already only a titular head - the Clinton folks moved in and took over the party apparatus weeks ago, which - at the time - seemed to actually satisfy Sanders himself. This is a fight over LITERALLY nothing.

This is the thing that really pisses me off. Being a relatively safe, relatively popular elected member of a major political party fucking SUCKS. You have fundraising goals, and you have to go stump at the county fair in East Bumblefuck Missouri because the state assembly candidate there needs a big push to get over

This is fucking stupid. First, the DNC doing oppo research the DNC DOES. It exists to raise money and get Democrats elected. That’s its job. If I declare today that I’m running for the nomination and start yelling in my apartment that I’m going to flip all the delegates, nobody is obligated to pay

Bernie’s supporters didn’t vote when he was running, I don’t know why anyone assumes they’d turn up and vote now.

PPP’s methodology is generally sound. They include goofball questions because they don’t take the process too seriously, but they’re a legit polling outfit. There’s at least as much reason to cover them as, say, Quinnipiac, which notoriously oversamples Republicans.

Ahem. Don’t you mean “bigly”?

I feel like that’s one of those things that’s fun to say - everyone’s the same! The parties are no different! But I am heartened by recent polling that shows that over 80% of Sanders voters plan to vote for Clinton. I think at the end of the day people will do the right thing - it’s still June, people are going to

The pickings are SLIM for good ol’ Donald. He’s fucking radioactive to anyone who hopes to ever win another race (except Paul LePage, and hell, even LePage tried to organize a never Trump movement before he just gave up). In Georgia, a state with a Republican Governor and TWO Republican Senators, he was introduced by

He’s since come back repeatedly as firmly pro-life. I can’t see what he gets out of staying silent now.

Nothing about this election makes the slightest bit of sense anymore.

He’ll get his twitter back when he’s proven he can be responsible with it and not say stupid thi...oh he spent 5 minutes today attacking the Chamber of Commerce? Well, tomorrow’s a new day.

Seems fair. Honestly, I’d rather have a candidate I personally don’t adore but who promotes policies I like than one I love who doesn’t have it on policy. Like, I’d rather have dinner with Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett (seriously, his twitter is hysterical) than, say, Tim Kaine, but I would vote for a

So is the world, as they all line up to peer over the wall from Mexico at the smoldering crater where the United States used to be.

You rang?