Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

#NotAllWhiteWomen. Half of us are genuinely perplexed at the MAGA-wearing screaming women who will support the oligarchy because "THE BAYBIES"   

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Remember this skit? I’m thinking of it today. (The line about the berry pickers didn’t age well.)

“Oh no why would she trust Kavanaugh.” She doesn’t. She’s no different from Lindsey Graham. Says what she needs to to pacify the rubes. I think she’s just corrupt and evil, but Eric Garland has been going on about her and her husband Thomas Daffron’s dark connections.

Well, audience of one.

I want to retract this. Cory’s speechifying for 2020. Don’t waste your time.

Cory Booker is speaking before the Senate right now, saying this (except the “burn it all” but I am with you on that.) 

They’re working on it. And this is without knowing who that opponent is.

Hm. OK, I concur. As things get worse, the danger will rise. I cannot say “all anti-Trump people are rational or do not have deadly weapons.” And he does so love those rallies of his people. I guess we will see.

Yikes. These chyrons:

Secret Service. Same people that would make sure no fight happens between Agent Orange and anyone else, allowing him to challenge Joe Biden to a fist fight because it will never, never be allowed. He is the worst.

I would like to mention that if Donald Trump as a teen had tried to go to one of the parties Kav attended (or one that his dad attended, given the age difference) Donny wouldn’t have gotten thru the front door. “Not our kind of people.”


The mad bit is that the question is not whether Kavanaugh is a rapist. It’s supposed to be a job interview. It’s whether Kavanaugh is a good fit for SCOTUS. AND HE ISN’T, BUT THE GOP IN THE SENATE DON’T CARE. 

Nope. Sorry. Just not this time, not that person. Judge me.

Wait until you see the testimony. Make some popcorn. His temperament is not that of a justice—but oddly that is what the White House likes, so he’ll get pushed in. I feel sorry for the other SCOTUS members.

Rant away. Those bastards are going to place him on the Supreme Court for 40 years. It takes 50 +1 Senators to put him there. It takes two-thirds majority to get him out again, if Congress decides they rushed the job and want take-backs. Impeachment of a SC Justice, while legal, has only been tried once (in 1803) and

Bret Kavanaugh said this at the announcement of his nomination:

Got something

And “The Apprentice.” I fear that some people in the Heartland voted for him because they knew he was a good businessman. They’d seen it on TV.

Needs a star for your username alone.