Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.
Now playing

MS-13 Press Release: First, I’d check the statistics (what few there are). Second, Press Sec. Sarah Sanders brought Assistant Attorney General John Cronan to the WH Press Briefing in February to sell the same examples. He was less successful, as the Press Corps asked follow-up questions.

Cute. A 3-tweet quote from Dan Bongino (?) They aren’t even pretending that DJT’s fingers are entering these, now.

I think I know this one (and I don’t think DJT is writing these tweets, though he may say “yeah, that’s fine” to an aide at some point.)

Or they saw the police escort and the cameraperson(s) and figured it for a photo shoot.

“...their hands in marriage.” Oh, little girl. We have a saying about that: the odds are good, but the goods are odd...

I think Kaitlin is severely misinterpreting what those students died for.

The president was very clearly referring to MS-13 gang members who enter the country illegally

If anyone else powerless pulled that, they’d be locked up in jail.

It isn’t just that Mo Brooks threw this out to see if it would stick. (Anything but rising global temperatures, right, Mo?) It’s that Mo Brooks is a member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Why is he there???

That SNL performance is completely useless without the context the video brilliantly puts together.

This looks like a Leanin’ Tree™ greeting card.

Counterpoint: Here’s Owen’s Grandpa (parody acct) . May bring a smile.

No, it isn’t. And if you click on that prescription drugs Tweet-Promise above and read the replies, you will want to cry. I don’t get it. Are they all listening to Trump’s words the way this dog does?

I quite enjoyed Philip Bump’s response.

Do not relax.

She’s pushing a stroller. I think that one’s sleep deprived.

Just to be Captain Obvious, remember those ever-rising prescription costs?

Not rotten enough yet. Trump got elected for being a grease monkey’s picture of what a rich man and a successful businessman looks like. As far as they know, The Super-Rich do this all the time, so why shouldn’t Trump? Remember, at one debate he said he doesn’t pay any taxes “because he’s smahht.” People heard this

Never underestimate the stockpiles of spite in this man.

But Trump has done nothing if not lay bare to me just how fucking stupid and awful a terrifying percentage of our voters are