Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

He’s in custody.

She’s wearing lower heels, though. Melania’s 5-inch heels make me wince.

He keeps pushing this “southern white house” thing as if it’s an actual thing. It’s not and he does zero work there.

And more importantly to draw column-inches/chyrons away from Michael Cohen courts/James Comey Book tour/etc. /etc.

Dude is just as much a clown as Drumpf is, he’s just not a flaming a-hole 24/7, doesn’t make him any better.

No, he’s not on our side.

I can’t find it, but at least once in the past year Fox News has blasted something from the WH before it was officially announced and any other news organization had it. Hannity may not pay Cohen, but does Cohen pay Hannity? But there really wouldn’t have to be any payment, would there. Would be very easy for a

She’s amazing in her way. I listened to the Chris Cuomo interview. She spoke for minutes at a time, at 1 1/2 times the normal speed of a human being, and never stopped to take a breath. How does she do that? She’s a pivoting machine.

IANAL. Can someone tell me why we assume Hannity is Cohen’s client? Sure it’s that way on paper. But here’s a thought. Trump phones Cohen with some hot tip he wants promoted. Cohen calls Hannity. Fox News scoops other networks. Is that how it works? I don’t know how-or if- “attorney client privilege” would kick in

What I wonder is why we never see any crude swearwords in the tweets, or in his ramblings before a live mike. You can’t get me to believe he doesn’t use them. But in all this apparent twitter diarrhea of the last 15 months... Makes me think they are less extemporaneous than we are led to believe.

*I* want an orange juice bottle shaped like the Liberty Bell.

What I fear is this, and then Republicans in Congress won’t do a damn thing. In 1973, Congress did its job. In 2018, Trump is tweeting “Witch Hunt!” soundbites to his followers - and to Congressional members in the red districts, who are afraid of them.

And some of us lack padding in the posterior. Wood chairs are hard.

He knows and cares, that’s why he’s spitting sound bites to his voters. Stir ‘em up.

His rant wasn’t for us.

Coincidentally, Politico reported today that the White House is trying to keep Trump’s mind off of Comey’s upcoming book release and tour with...a trip to South America.

Where’s Barron?

I enjoyed this 2006 New York Times society piece with some Vanessa background, in which Don Jr. and Vanessa, married one year, announce they are expecting their first child. (Barron Trump was 8-months old.)