Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

She tried out a new eyebrow stencil, “Chic brow.” It doesn’t work for her.

He hasn’t struck out on Twitter yet. It is odd. I expected flailing anger. But, Twitter silence since 8 pm Eastern on Saturday, and that tweet looks like an aide did it.

Gun nuts know the damage. Google images for “AR-15 exit wounds.” Just don’t do it after you’ve eaten.

Under 21 purchase ban: it doesn’t matter. And Trump isn’t going to give guns to teachers. He and the NRA just threw things out to change the conversation away from banning semi-automatics and hey, it worked.

burn every bridge they can and energize and unify all opposition against them

AR-15s are no more dangerous than other guns.

I disagree. The gig she has now is better than any she would get at that ship of fools.

Side issue. Pretend you have never heard of Onald-day Ump-tray. Now look at those socks and shoes with Random Shouting Man, pompoms and glitter. Someone thought that was a good choice of clothing.

I note the verbs in Mr. LaPierre’s speech.

The issue is that it is WAY too easy for the vast majority of people to get their hands on guns in this country.

Yes. Needs more stars.

Are these people so damn impressionable that they think all it takes is reading a text once and we’re suddenly communists?

i honestly thought having dana at the town hall was a waste of everyone’s time

“45" embroided on his shirt sleeves...

Is there a difference between the parties. The thing I have noticed between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Dems believe in a federal government, and the Republicans don’t. It’s much easier to tear a thing down.

You have a 1 in 2 chance. Just assume that you were hit. I do.


Not caviar...okay. I don’t know caviar. But I would eat those fish eggs. The rest of that stuff has to go, though. It looks like a Weight Watchers recipe from the mid-1960's.