Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Overall, numbers two and three were taxes and crime, respectively.

I’m with you all the way but this costs money

Look at that. I thought he was just using it as a toehold to get Sessions out. He’s really behind this issue.  

I phrased poorly. Say “The Constitution recognizes rights”?

Wait, this is Rohrabacher as in the The Rohrabacher–Farr amendment?

3b. And run out the clock. These interviews have a set length, as he well knows.

Thanks for writing about Doe V. Mattis. It hasn’t gotten the column inches that Trump’s antics get.

This, dammit, this! The person being held is a U.S. Citizen—born in the U.S., raised Saudi. The Constitution gives all U.S. Citizens rights. And you defend those rights, even for the horrible people, because the next time they could be coming for you.

According to Steve Davenport, a researcher on cannabis policy at the RAND Corporation, it’s unlikely Sessions could do much to hurt the medical marijuana world for now, thanks to the Rohrabacher-Bluemenauer Amendment passed in 2014 as a part of a spending bill; it prevents the Department of Justice from spending

I’m sure you will see some symbolic “raids” but local law enforcement will not assist in places where marijuana has been legalized.

And Oregon, Washington, Colorado... we’re just collateral damage, right? I am so sick of this. “Screw the blue states because they didn’t vote Repub.”

This gossipy book about Trump, published during Trump’s presidency, seems to be getting more press and more airtime/attention than the similar gossipy books about Reagan/Bush I/Bill Clinton/Bush II/Obama did, which were published during their respective presidencies. That’s not normal. Who does it benefit? (Besides

So embarrassed. I’m wrong. Per Snopes, Sessions is invested, tangentially, but they are managed diversified funds.

that their neighbors kind of hate them, including one legendary rich lady who stood in her front yard in a fur coat, drinking wine and watching protesters dancing and “twerking on top of an SUV”

Sessions has a huge conflict of interest on this. He is heavily invested in for-profit prisons.

I’ve seen what ICE does when it comes to my town, so I want to know more about how he’s going to bend DHS into looking into “voter fraud.”

Also, the lawsuit. One of the members on the committee (a Democrat) sued it because they wouldn’t tell him when they were meeting or what they were doing.