Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

At the South Everett location, for example, ICE agents visited the motels early in the morning or late at night, requested the day’s guest list, circled any Latino-sounding names and returned to their vehicles.

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“Listening to cops testify” reminded me of: 

Mike Pence wouldn’t dine alone with other women, back in March. We all laughed. This was well before the Harvey Weinstein/#metoo publicity firestorm. The man scares me to death, but he knows optics. A smart zealot.

Google snapshot a bit ago:

radio, radio

Other than that, nice poster.

grrr <OT soapbox>

Yes. NPR re-aired an All Things Considered segment on Monday about this very thing.

I’d like to ignore him but I can’t because he’s also a cat’s paw. (Who put him up to tweeting insults and threats at Pakistan on New Year’s Day?) I agree otherwise with your description.

This is a menu for old people.

Chances are zero. Trump’s Secret Service escort is very good at what they do. You wouldn’t get close. Chances that somebody spits in his drink? Much higher. Maybe that’s why he only drinks Diet Coke.

But were they really mice? I miss Douglas Adams.

Oops, duplicate entry. Nothing to see here, folks.

10/02/17 President Trump’s top spokesperson said the aftermath of the mass shooting in Las Vegas is not the time to restart a debate over the nation’s gun laws.

I don’t know if he even has core beliefs, other than “I should say and do things that I think will make me popular.”

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Oh, he didn’t just tweet word salad. Have you caught the excerpts of this NYT interview? DJT remains a deeply ignorant man and a target-rich environment.

You know what hurts? If we could get Fox News or Breitbart to say that China took out a patent on global warming, DJT’d goddamn believe it.