Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

“I would like to see a white doctor,” the woman said at the beginning of the video to a clinic staff member as her young son sat quietly next to her. “You’re telling me there’s not one white doctor in this whole entire building?”

Per the tweet from Sen. McDermott of Oregon,

Thank you. The video of Mom spraying vinegar at the chemtrails is tops..

I will want to know how many black (or Korean, or Hispanic) voters go to the polls tomorrow only to find their names have been removed from the rolls. If the number is small, then that will be good.

Of course

And wowsers was I mega-wrong.

Apologies. I fail at Google fu. Thank you for links. I can’t argue with NYT.

Rosenstein’s statement

Trump seems too short-sighted and self-centered to want to become Comrade Trump or turn the US into Amerika, and I doubt he could do it even if he really wanted to.

Do your parents watch Fox News? The “I’ve accepted they are unwell” clued me. There’s a documentary about that: The Brainwashing of My Dad. Your parents can recover.

Now playing

Way late to the party but adding it anyway. Of course they’re going to praise him.

Nobody asked, so I will - WHERE do you LIVE?!?

offtopic: Thank you for AntiGraviCat. I needed that this morning.

“I don’t understand why the president just doesn’t clear this matter up once and for all,” Senate Intelligence committee member Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine told The Associated Press....Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., also a member of the Senate Intelligence committee, agreed the panel needed to hear any tapes if they

If AG Sessions lies under oath, there will be consequences.

I love how stupid the Trumps are. They keep acting as if this was a reality television show and fighting for public perception....not realizing that there is a legal standard that they have to adhere to and that their words CAN AND WILL be used against them in court.

Bonus- look at the picture above of DT Junior. Pinstripe suit, check. Oiled hair, check. All he’s missing is the black shirt and white tie to fit in this MP sketch. Are TrumpSons trying to troll us?

Are you in Portland? That happened here.

Ask your bro who the corporations answer to. Ans: their shareholders. Who do the state and local governments and the school board answer to? The people they serve (Or at least it is supposed to work that way.)