Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Tweets: Even if they are removed, they are archived, correct? Because even if POTUS doesn’t read the fine print about document retention, someone in his office does.

Fox News (an entertainment network) must be stopped, or the word must get out that they lie. I am open to suggestions how this can be done. Before somebody jumps on me, I know about the 1st Amendment, and I have conflicts about saying this. But FoxNews has harmed our country.

I don’t want to be “that guy” but it affects searches: Flynn spells his first name “Michael.”

Plus, voter suppression will help the GOP.

Are those things WiFi-enabled?

...and the Talking Head “News” Entertainers who are twisting themselves in circles in order to make his actions “okay.”

Well, I’m glad you asked. I want to know, too. I don’t ever want to see this happen to us again.

So instead of having one state propaganda network, we get two?

FOX NEWS MUST END. I haven’t said that enough today.

I hate Trump/Bannon/Miller with the fire of a thousand suns.

MP3 may be dead to you, but if you listen to books on CD or podcasts MP3 is just fine. We don’t all want to be tethered to a streaming service 24/7. My difficulty is that MP3 players are going away, or aren’t being made any more— because “all consumers have smart phones.” (Well, I don’t.)

This is brilliant, and I’m stealing it.

You ‘re right. Here, have my hat. Here’s a book title:

Dementia... has the interview with The Economist been discussed on Kinja yet? This is getting hard to ignore.

There’s some kind of legislative deadline coming up in early summer, one I had never heard of before this, that has to do with executive orders and rescinding the orders of previous presidents and stuff. I’m guessing they’ll wait at least until then. Does anybody know more about this obscure but now important

I’m sorry your daughter got sick. Hope she’s ok.

[The Bureau] will do everything within their purview to bury him and anything associated with him.