Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Media critic Jay Rosen said on Jan. 22 (two days in, and things were already going cock-eyed) #SendTheInterns. The inexperienced can cover the Spicer “press conference” while experienced reporters do experienced digging elsewhere. I don’t know if any agencies took him up on the suggestion.

So, these flat-earthers— can they draw a rough map of the continents of the world? Can they explain how we fly West to get to China? They do believe in aeroplanes, don’t they?

It’s a thing of beauty.

Yeah, is that a thing that just happens after an election the (Dems/GOP) lost?

This will be so far down the comment thread that it won’t be read, but CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE DAMNED “FOX NEWS”? Their xenophobic fear-mongering is setting our country aflame, and they take no responsibility for it. Their vetting of contributing reporters is beyond laughable. Sean Hannity defended his program to Ted

Must disagree. 18 months isn’t long at ALL. Start getting involved locally NOW.

Gallup overall figures are nice to have, but what is Trump’s approval rating among Republicans? GOP in Congress care about getting reelected.

CaptainOh: Non-Trump sartorial discussion. I have watched too many Capitol Hill videos and have started noticing neckties. For example, Sean Spicer’s.

Snopes is wrong, then? Sorry. Snopes said “during the War.” The Wikipedia article references— er, it references the Snopes article, plus a 1993 book that I don’t have access to. Nuts. 

Fanta-Germany connection: Thanks, I hadn’t heard of it. For others who haven’t:

Speaking of Trump Organization properties, TO is building a Trump resort in Bali. Because Bali needs a golf course. /s

I don’t thank Comey for that.

They need time to threaten straying GOP congressmen.

G-DDAMMIT where are the people on his crew that think about optics? Or is this good optics, like throwing out the first baseball in spring? I don’t see it.

We have to invest in the military. No one else will help us after we’ve pissed off all the allies we used to have.

Thanks for catching that! If we miss it on FM, there’s a link on the site.

...Ivanka will serve as her dad’s “eyes and ears...”

Never mind, found it. “It is unclear who actually authored these tweets. According to the @POTUS Twitter bio, they are mostly written by Trump’s social media director Dan Scavino....” - The Atlantic, 3/20/17

I looked at today’s @POTUS tweets and they are coherent (regardless of factual content). Does Donald Trump dictate his tweets in the daytime?

“Viewer Discretion Is Advised”