Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.

Dammit, Uncle Don’s on his phone again. I thought he was watching Judge Wapner.

It’s not true, you know - even Gizmodo reported that - but I am enjoying the comments too much. It totes could be true.

I want to give you more stars. Trump’s not doing this for the people on the border states. He’s doing this for his base. Reminds me of bullies in my grade school beating up on kids. They weren’t trying to correct/change/repel the victims, the victims were incidental. They were trying to impress each other (I learned

If it’s true that a court authorized the surveillance of a Trump server, that means he’s under criminal investigation for a matter related to national security. We might just see Trump become a Snowden fan after all.

Damn, I miss John Belushi.

“Mine is the possibility of allowing something horrible to occur in exchange for political capital. In real terms it wouldn’t even be much of a conspiracy as instead of requiring active agents all it would require is willfully either disregarding or more likely applying a lower threat classification on what is known

(sorry, deleted comment, someone else said it better.)

Don’t let them shame you, @gcodori. That’s a lovely hobby and you express yourself well. But don’t pull this out on a first date. Let her get to know you a little first.

They’re creepy, aren’t they.

Or he’s thinking about how the HBCU’s agenda got hijacked for a photo op. I wondered why most of them are determinedly not smiling.

You shout it, Patsy!

I’m glad you asked!

I vote we stop paying attention to her. I just violated my own suggestion by clicking on this link, but I’m working on it.

They do. There’s an element our there that lives on vitriol. Go over to, select any article, and page down to the comments section. It devolves to name-calling in record time.

Nobody but me thought of this when they read the headline?

As for the Trump presidency: be worried, be very worried. Trump is ignorant, ruthless, power-mad, loves money and has an insatiable need for public adoration.


NYT has transcript of full conference.

She doesn’t look good in the Tuesday photo, but the lighting is different. You can see the individual hairs (and facial lines, and eye bags, and flaws) in the Tuesday photo. Her skin color is even different between the two. I think, lighting.