
Not only different, but almost the exact opposite. True ‘badass’ is more along the lines of ‘cool’, where carrying yourself in a way that others enjoy being around you, or wish they could be, is a big part of the deal. Literally the only person I can think of to whom the words blustering, swaggering, and badass all

I’m sure 1994 registered-Republican Elizabeth Warren was totally against that crime bill

But then who’s gonna fuck your mom?

I’m often curious as to why Splinter writers would say “I hate it”...”I’m banging my head against a desk”....”I’m literally gonna shoot my brains out” if that’s gonna make the people who disagree with them....feel bad?

Yes, the guy who raised concern about the ages of the top 3 candidates is the guy who supports the oldest of the 3....brilliant deduction.  

Nobody is actually doubting he will fight til “the end”.......


Oh well, golly gee, since out of three front runners we obviously have one that is 3rd in risk factor, that's no reason to be cpncerned about anything.....

The top 3 on the Dem side are all 70 or older. It’s absolutely insane that the consideration of running mates is something that will be put off til next summer.

He was in 1985's 86th highest domestic grossing movie...!

Thank goodness those are the only private things about him appearing in this article.

She's not sorry she murdered him.  She's sorry she thought the system would treat her the same as a white male cop.

Why would the Statue of Liberty be in a movie about two dismembered coppers in a field with their body parts switched?

I find this ‘tech bro’ accusation from some on the left fascinating. Their hero AOC is in Congress literally because a former SV tech bro (who before that was a  Wall Street bro) helped her get there.

Future spending isn’t the only cost people have to worry about, though. UBI will help people with fixed debts incurred in the past such as mortgages, student debt, car loans, medical bills, credit card bills......

Anyone who ever complains about “trickle down” should be all in for UBI. It’s the most direct way to get money in the hands of common citizens. The idea that we’ll eventually make things better for common citizens through simply increasing taxes, unionization, or regulating business is just trickle down with other

The problem with a wealth tax is that a lot of ‘wealth’ is speculative. Just because ‘the market’ says what I own is worth X, doesn’t mean I actually have X to spend. $1 billion worth of stock a) doesn’t do me a lot of good if it’s just sitting there as stock holdings, and b) the moment I would start selling off a

For the past couple years we’ve been hearing “we don’t need more old white people” all we hear is people begging two younger African Americans and a younger Asian American to drop out so we can decide between an old white centrist, and old white non-Democrat, and an old white former Republican.

“I remember the first moment that I thought: Andrew Yang kind of sucks. It was his CNN town hall in April, and Yang once again shared how he was perplexed by his appeal to a number of white nationalists.”

The amount of people keeping track of who the regular commenters are, and wondering why they aren’t getting ahead in life, is something else.