
In school, you’d eat lunch at a table by yourself, wouldn’t you?

People already have the ability to turn down work they feel they would not be fairly compensated for

I heard there was a booming economy with all sorts of available well-paying jobs, was that a lie?

One less group that I need to tip now

Need shielding from opinions you disagree with? Fucking coward.

What, you mean you haven't been dying to become friends with ThemeParkDirk?

jam more ads onto its website”


For fucks sake, fat ass, quit teaching your kids to be afraid of hearing how much they weigh, then maybe they wont get "disordered" over it.

So we’re back to wanting actual cops to show up for every call?

I guess he needs to cope harder now.

He was “minding his own business” by recording other people?

Megan Fox shouldn’t have to pay anyone else’s medical bills just because she’s rich, but fuck her “I’m the real victim” bullshit. She just pulled this woe-is-me crap recently about literally non-existent comments on pictures she hadn’t even posted yet.


Who gives a flying fart what the nature of the performance is, the fact is other people are paying to be there, and not to see you.

Maybe if you stopped being retarded then people wouldnt need to use that word.

Perhaps you have never been in a relationship before, but breaking up with someone is an entirely legal and normal thing that happens.

Why would I need help?  I'm not the retard, and I don't hate my genitals.

So then use the word "straight."  It'd be like me calling you stupid when the correct word is "retarded."

FFS quit acting like you're still part of G/O Media