
And if you are having multiple guests over, then make an effort to keep your oh-so-preciously-clean floor clean as guests are arriving....I don’t want to be hopping around taking my shoes off only to step in someone else’s mud drippings

The world doesn’t want you to feel alone and helpless. The world wants you to pay attention to the actual facts instead of what outraged randos on twitter are telling you, so maybe you’ll quit going all-in on a pair of 4s every time.

What was needed was an actual, tangible plan for what would replace the MPD. There was no actual plan associated with this, just a promise that a group of city council members—-unknown because they were *also* on the same ballot (minus the one who already said she was hightailing it out of town anyways), *along* with

It would seem to me the most incorrect model was the one that said cases would be contained at 15 and very quickly go down to zero, like a miracle. Maybe don’t listen to the person who came up with that one.

“I think they’re useless for anything other than keeping asymptomatic people from coughing on the produce in grocery stores”

“We’re the real victims of voter suppression”

12 percent of those who voted for Sanders in the primary went on to vote for President Trump. (It’s worth noting that according to CNN exit polling from the 2008 general election, 15 percent of Clinton supporters voted for John McCain in the general election;”

All of Biden's gaffes summed together don't equal Bernie's intentional effort to piss away Florida

“or been convinced by the oligarchy, that Sanders simply can’t win, all evidence to the contrary be damned.”

Putin ain’t helping him out of fear dude

Really sucks that all the writers voluntarily quit huh

What was Bernie’s achievement? Bernie the ‘outsider’ has been in DC since before anyone even knew the names Bill and Hillary Clinton

She doesn’t have a chance because too many people who actually would benefit from her proposals are being suckered by a guy who gets to pretend he’s an ‘outsider’ because he has nothing of accomplishment on his record from his 30 years on capitol hill.

Trump beat a specific moderate, who had been under attack by the GOP for 25 years, in a year where lots of voters were put off by the idea that, heading into that year, the presumptive nominees were going to be Another Bush and Another Clinton (also a forgotten reason why Bernie had so much support in 2016, and why,

That's some great human shielding there.

This family of websites had a whole bunch of child bloggers who kept begging for impeachment and crapping all over Nancy for waiting so long. They, and whatever rando sites they’re blogging at now, can wear this shit.

“Guy fucking sucks and would get rinsed by Trump.”

“Sonmez just posted the link without additional commentary”

Cuz driving is safer than flying, right?

Bernie already lost to Trump in ‘16. Sure, he was running against Hillary for the Democrat nomination, but he did so by going after the anti-establishment, ‘economically anxious’ voters....and more of that demo (14 million) chose Trump in the primaries than Sanders (13.2 million).