“Here, we’re reminded that Yang’s ethos is that of Silicon Valley, where he was incubated”
“Here, we’re reminded that Yang’s ethos is that of Silicon Valley, where he was incubated”
Good god forbid anyone on this family of sites makes their arguments by posting memes
You're right, reading someone restate something I already said as if they're making some kind of point is pretty boring.
No shit, that’s the point. You’re talking about taking on incumbent Democrats. I literally fucking pointed that out already. That’s all you/they talk about.
It’s almost as if there’s some kind of separation between the opinion desk and the reporters.
All they fucking ever talk about is primarying Dems they don't like. How fucking many are planning to challenge Republican incumbents? Names?
Of course they have to worry about primary challengers, fucking Justice Democrats are too chickenshit to actually challenge Republicans.
Fucking Paul Blest continually shitting on the very Democrats who went and actually defeated Republicans instead of fellow Democrats.
You’re absolutely right, Caitlin. I, for one, think they should do more two-sentence-and-a-link articles without headlines.
Nah....you can certainly argue over whether ‘gaslighting’ is the correct word to use with Trump (another commenter suggested ‘bullshitting’ which I think is more accurate), but suggesting that everyone, especially journalists, just use the most broad, generic word possible is irresponsible for future generations who…
Enough to give them their paychecks for agitating clicks. Unless you think G/O agrees with them?
This site is still owned by G/O....they still approve everything that gets posted.....they do not mind one bit employees are acting the uber progressive
The person who lost?
I remember the crowd marking out when Hogan came to save Savage from Hall and Nash.....
So, in an article taking Biden and his health plan to task, you link to a story praising how progressive his plan actually is........
And then you became a Mets fan....?
3) He’s a fucking idiot.
Some men just want to watch the world burn
“the CBC is practically begging to be AOC’d at this point”
Dude whose entire job is getting mad online criticizes someone else for getting mad online......