It’s also ok to recognize that fantasy sports is about drafting/auctioning stats, not actual humans.
It’s also ok to recognize that fantasy sports is about drafting/auctioning stats, not actual humans.
It’s not driving anyone to white supremacy....but do you really think getting butthurt (and yes, you are when you go around calling people pricks) is going to get millions of fantasy players on your side?
Nobody is bidding on actual humans. They’re bidding on stats. JFC
Some players are better than others. The better players are more valuable than the others. Some leagues determine how teams are made up based on a “draft” which is luck of the draw, while other leagues determine how teams are made up based on an “auction” which is based on how willing an owner is to spend a portion…
Nobody’s bidding on you, dear.
Hey, no, this is a really great idea...go after the fantasy football crowd. 2018 landslide here we come.
I’ve known one guy who was semi-openly involved in this neo-nazi garbage, I listened to him rant about crap like this at the bar one night a couple months ago. Thing is, guy collects disability checks (has no obvious physical limitations, but whatever) and quit his only job in the past year, a Friday-Saturday night ID…
I might lose, but at least I’m trying to win something that’s worth winning instead of winning something I don’t like. “lioness”...sure.
You’re absolutely don’t win anything.
Yes, it was your point. Please don’t pretend I’m as stupid as you.
Will you fucking listen to yourself once in a while? You’re seriously badmouthing people who actually give a goddamn shit about the things your puny white ass pretends to care about on comment boards. You don’t know shit, and you haven’t won shit, jerkoff.
Sure, dear, keep losing.
K bruh, keep winning.
It’s just fucking hilarious, on a site that rightfully badmouths “white allies” so many pencilnecks continually tout the exact same fucking thing.
I’m way over trying to be everyone’s best friend. I don’t come here pathetically looking for other commenters to suck my dick. All Im trying to argue for is actual progressives, but I keep stumbling into dipshits who think “If you’re really looking for a progressive candidate who shares your values then fuck you…
Yeah, here’s the thing, you got your ‘flawed but electable!’ Hillary last’d that work out?
No, your point was just to do some name-calling. Keep on adulting there bud.
You mean like saying “hey maybe we shouldnt back this pro-cop senator or that pro-Wall Street senator”? Thats what some of us -are- doing. But by all means, back whoever you just think is ‘electable’, then laugh at conservatives who ‘vote against their interests’ for a candidate who actually at least wins.
Then maybe quit getting into arguments you can’t support.
Ok, cool, now this time actually try making an argumemt.