
I wouldn’t vote for either of them. And I’m not for purity tests. But when some of the names currently being tossed around are people who have made a career out of sucking Wall Street’s taint or putting people in jail for votes, fuck that shit, and fuck those who ignore that shit just because those people might be

“I get my information from cable news, so that proves I’m right”

If people are prematurely critiquing candidates, it’s only because other people are prematurely mentioning them as candidates. I agree, let’s wait for actual races before anointing someone, a lesson we should have learned 9 months ago.

Another idiot who needs someone else to make his case for him. No wonder Republicans keep winning elections.

So do it.

“Haha, look at those dumb conservatives voting against their own interests! They probably voted for Trump just because “at least he’s not Hillary.” What a bunch of stooges! And speaking of Hillary, I don’t understand why some liberals didn’t vote for her, just because she’s a centrist? At least she’s not Trump.”

I know, it’s really silly of progressive voters to want candidates who are progressive. Why can’t we all just like the newest rock star candidate instead?

Harris is Sessions without the overt racism. She’s still a proponent of asset forfeiture.


it’s called providing food for other creatures you twitterfied numbnuts.

“ Today, still wanted by the government she survives as a neighbor of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The New-Team.

Tim, are you done being a drunk racist piece of shit yet?

Oh, yeah, sure, right in Minneapolis...not some right wing suburb, but in the heart of progressive uptown Minneapolis...brilliant move...sure.

The attorney is the idiot bringing up that shit. Fuck him.

On the one hand, ok attorneys are supposed to say wha-

Yeah, KH doesnt have the best record of trying to cut back on asset forfeiture....

If 5 tweets with around 3,000 combined likes isn’t overwhelming evidence that this show will bomb, what is???

Just like when they did a show about the Mafia it totally meant they were endorsing organized crime, or something.....

You can tell this is a Musk-engineered conspiracy because we live in a country where nobody has ever called IT and said “I don’t know what happened, the file just disappeared on me”

This is true. Dude probably thought “little white lie” while giving his statement, than saw it was a national story....