
hey that’s really brave of you to reply more than 3 weeks later bruh

There is no law that “allows” what happened to happen. There is a statute for the specific crime he was charged with, and found not guilty of, which can be found here:

Once again: the jury does not get to make up laws as they go. Do we need to change some laws so this doesn’t happen? Of course. But that is not anywhere near what a jury is empowered to do.

So, you’re trying to give an example of what the judge was talking about in his letter? The jury did not decide he had to die. They decided that the officer was not guilty of second-degree manslaughter according to the law. Juries don’t get to find someone guilty of something they think should be illegal or with

Except even in that case, they do qualify it, with the phrase “pound for pound” greatest boxer ever.

McEnroe: I think Serena is the greatest ever in her field of competition.

Why not? Talking about what other people say seems to be a lot easier for you than expressing your own ideas of how to make any gains.

Maybe you dont like what I’ve said, maybe you disagree with what I’ve said, but I most certainly have stated what my tactic would else could you be so opposed to it if I havent stated it?

Who the fuck said I wanted a perfect world? I’m literally arguing for the concept that bipartisanship, giving up ground on some of your concerns to make gains on bigger priorities, is a good thing.

I want you to explain your brilliant plan for making any kind of gains on progressive ideas that doesnt involve negotiating. So far Im guessing your plan is nothing more than waiting and hoping the next elections go better. Must be nice to be able to afford to wait.

Thats great that Sanders is the most popular politician. How many of his proposals should we bet will be in the Senate’s version of the healthcare bill? Let’s set the over-under at 0.5?

No, by all means dig in and demand everything you want that the people who control all of federal government and almost enough of state governments to literally rewrite the US Constitution hate. I’m certain any day now they’ll all die off or that Neil Gorsuch will come to your rescue.

Ok, good luck rectifying that without seeking bipartisan solutions.

You posted a quote of mine. You then said, for some reason, that’s not what Hamilton was saying. I said no shit, I was saying that to him.

What are YOU going with? You took a statement of mine and said “That’s not what he’s saying at all” but now you’re saying I restated his points?

Well no shit, I’m saying that to him.

No, those are still personal beliefs, just as if 90% of people thought god was real, or homosexuality was a sin, or blacks were inferior to whites, it would not make those ideas any more factual.

I’m not pretending anything, I’m observing that progressives continually talk like they’re the clear “majority of the population” and that conservatives are tone deaf and out of touch, all the while conservatives are kicking progressive asses in elections all around the country.

“should”...”very bad”...”too expensive”....I mean, those are textbook examples of personal beliefs.

Ok, well, how’s that “screw bipartisanship” tactic working out for your healthcare and abortion rights at the moment?