
This is bullshit. You’re talking about political beliefs as though they should be treated like religion. Fuck that, that’s why we’re in such a goddam mess right now, people investing their personal beliefs to such a degree that facts and evidence become irrelevant to them (and no, you’re not some special exception).

“Let me first point out that the pragmatic establishment centrists just lost to Donald Trump. Okay.”

Add to list: any Democrat who has “Senator” on their resume. Of the last 4 such candidates nominated by the party, the only one to actually win was the least experienced guy who could still claim to be somewhat of an outsider. Seriously, for a group of people who like to mock the tone-deafness of others, liberals

“he probably clutches his wallet (or purse; I don’t know his life)“

“These ‘facts’ will be used to counter any attempt to move the party further to the left.”

Harambe + Boaty McBoatface = covfefe

you have to carry stuff if you’re wearing cargo shorts?

“On May 19, Environmental Conservation Officer Andrew McCormick and some wildlife biologists located bucket head bear, captured it, tranquilized it, and removed the bucket from its head.”

I’m a white guy who grew up in mid Misdouri (hear me out for a second) and lived in the Cedar Riverside area when I moved to go to the U of MN...just gonna say, you wont ever find people who are more representative of the alleged American Ideal.

“The point here is not to switch words every generation without changing our thinking. The point is not to make conversation impractical or impossible. The point is to understand there’s a continuum of racial constructs.”

On the one hand, I think conservatives too often accuse ‘the media’ of being too liberal. On the other hand, we have stuff like this where some in the media are blatantly calling out others in the media for being insufficiently blatantly liberal. For hosting a comedy show for fucks sake.

Lefties desperate to blame anyone but their own candidate for her loss have locked onto one interview on a late night comedy show as a big contributing factor.....but Jimmy Fallon is the “child”...sure.....

Because “they’re wealthy” and are just supposed to give employees bigger salaries out of charity, or something

Seriously....if you even know so much as how to turn on a computer, there’s no reason not to be making $10k more than that in any metro area, other than one’s own lack of ambition.

So he’s choosing to stick with a smaller publication for less money out Doh-kay.

I look forward to hamno’s next column about how underpaid video store employees are.

Oh, except you all werent even questioning his were declaring he wanted Hillary to lose, that he caused Hillary to lose. You just couldnt keep your stupid mouths shut about blaming him for the loss, even as he was the 1 person actually doing something to bring Trump down. Always with the left, not

Eh, I still like how white liberals pretend they haven’t spent the past 6 months saying that Comey is the worst person on the planet.

It’s kinda cute how the tsk-tskers who are losing in the court of electoral public opinion accuse others of being tone deaf..

People are acting like this is the first time a vastly more experienced DC insider lost to an outsider/newcomer.