If he wants to promote BBB himself, fine. If he’s pressuring his son to not to sign with the big names, thus risking his son’s financial well-being for his own pursuits, then fuck him, he’s wrong.
If he wants to promote BBB himself, fine. If he’s pressuring his son to not to sign with the big names, thus risking his son’s financial well-being for his own pursuits, then fuck him, he’s wrong.
“It IS possible to think ESPN should stick to sports and at the same time not be a clueless moron, you know.”
This is true. It’s not that they’re promoting more liberal ideas, it’s that they have so many shows now where people discuss political viewpoints at all, along with music, movies, and other non-sports areas of…
“Perez and Sanders’ obsession with appealing to working-class white men (over the actual coalition of black women, minorities, young people and city residents that gave Hillary Clinton the majority of the popular vote”
At this point, Democrats desperately need to focus first and foremost on winning some damn elections. And yes, winning in rural white places matters-states can literally re-write the Constitution if enough of them agree to. Right now Democrats sound like people imagining what theyll buy if they win the powerball…
Who in the party has been helpful to the party lately?
“Would he say the same thing for an anti-marriage-equality candidate”
Funny how he keeps getting elected being like that, right?
See, you are making it about ‘perfect’ vs ‘good’ though.... “conservatives in dems clothing”...you’re literally calling one of the most socialist legislators in the country a conservative!
You mean “not the President” Hillary?
You remember how Obama was a huge supporter of gay marriage when he ran in 2008, right? Oh, what’s that? He wasn’t, or at least pretended not to be? And yet, during his tenure, we still managed to have gay marriage become legal? Almost like he said what he felt was needed in order to get the most support, even if it…
The reality is the Hillary-centric Democratic party has been getting 6000 kinds of dogshit kicked out of it over the past several election cycles.
“Whatever the case, if his advice includes continuing to pacify people actively engaged or complicit in multiple streams of prejudice, he can keep it. A lot of us are rightly fearing for our lives, and we’re supposed to further coddle the assholes who helped create our nightmare? Even as they vote against their own…
Democrats control 0 branches of federal government, and are dangerously close to being in such a minority at the state government level that they would have a hard time blocking Constitutional amendments.
“ And if they don’t, you need to accept that they are an ever-shrinking part of the American electorate.”
Yes, please, let’s put weed of all things next on our list of topics that can’t be joked about because “social justice”, and then we can get back to scratching our heads wondering why progressives have been losing elections across the country for the past 8 years.
I was wondering what Brother Love was up to these days....
This will undoubtedly be resolved by Rick Scott defunding the health inspection agency.
You know how you can go to Wal-Mart anytime you want, start greeting people or sweeping the floor or replacing items that customers left on the wrong shelf to its proper place, and at the end of the day a Wal-Mart manager comes up and gives you a paycheck......oh, yeah, that doesn’t work that way, because Wal-Mart is…
Trust the process!
Nobody ever argued speech was ‘equal’, dumbass.