“The person who hasn’t won a national election is a much stronger leader than the person who won national elections twice”
“The person who hasn’t won a national election is a much stronger leader than the person who won national elections twice”
What do *you* want out of this?
They advocated, most fucking recently, for making fun of Trump. Congratulations.
I mean, trump haters have spent at least the past 24 hours ridiculing him for opposing action against syria several years ago, so now...they ridicule him for taking action?
And you’re going out of your way to protect them by....posting internet comments?
How dare ilovejoshlyman not anticipate an update you posted 15 minutes later! The nerve!
Ok, I’ll call Keith Ellison, Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar first thing tomorrow and DEMAND they start listening to liberal opinions.
The public reaction to this ad reminds me of people who think a sex tape getting leaked is going to hurt a celebrity’s career.
They don’t refer to themselves as one, but pro sports leagues are unions of billionaires and millionaires. If one team’s owners say “we don’t need public funds, we’ll build it ourselves” that undercuts the other teams’ owners when they go asking their cities for money.
Wait...hold on...I mean just hold on a damn second....he ‘s still alive?
LOL at the commenters here bemoaning that the FBI director wasnt sufficiently partisan even as the party leaders encouraged him not to be.
Its not like Hillary ever tried to get involved in major policy decisions like, say, healthcare when she was first lady or anything....
Its not like Hillary got involved in healthcare policy when her husband was president, right?
I think what Trump actually means is “I am the least. Racist person? You know!”
“their right to have a team”
But ohmygod lets find out what the CELEBRITIES think.
I fucking love those kinds of flights where they let you climb trees, do karate kicks and crawl around like a green beret.
So...the employee applied it at her discretion...?
Judging by what I read here and related blogs, the only comedy most of them enjoy anymore are various forms of “Donald Trump is orange” jokes.
Give Russ the damn MVP...