
The real problem with the “everyone knew what they were getting into” is that the people who say that still think concussions/cte is all about the ‘bell-ringing’ hits, so if you avoid those youll be fine, instead of realizing its also the accumulation of hundreds or thousands of every-play collisions over the course resent the idea that its on Democrats to reach out to voters if Democrats want to get their votes so they can start winning back a lot of the elections they’ve been losing recently?

Serious do schools go about these investigations, with the acknowledgement that federal laws say they have to, and then conclude that the constitution or any mentions of ‘due process’ are irrelevant?

Cute, the lil blogger who could again acting like he knows about journalism.

Probably along the lines of why other websites might argue that, say, posting a sex tape is protected

I recently attempted to play through all the games again...once I finished the battle in the Tibetan village in 2, it occurred to me that I just finished the most exciting sequence in the series

If *those* are the reasons he should have been fired, then he should have been fired right away. They kept him around long enough to benefit from a bowl win. This is very much taking the gutless way out for the Pres and the AD.

Ah yes, their priorities...a week after he won a bowl game for them.

2017 progressivism: attack someone who hopes that someone else who fucked up is able to turn his life around.

Because “I hope this guy who fucked up continues fucking up and lives a fucked up rest of his life” is a lot better.

You guys are funny. You guys said Sanders wouldn’t be able to handle the GOP attacks on him. You guys said Hillary was the most battle-tested candidate ever. You guys said Hillary would mop the floor with Trump. Now you guys are whining that a few leaked emails and a couple of third-party kooks are the big bad enemy

Seriously, wasn’t everyone just talking a few days ago about how there’s nothing wrong with having a black Santa, and ridiculing those who thought there was something wrong with it by pointing out that Santa is fictional?

Bernie was the decided underdog from the beginning, in resources, name recognition, virtually any area you can think of. At no point was the nomination his to lose. For Hillary, people literally were saying days before the election there was no way she could lose.

So, y’all were like counting on Hillary to serve only one term until she’s 73 if she’d won?

Geez, next thing you know, employers will want applicants-who don’t even work for the company yet!-to hand over confidential education records.

“As a talking point, the Senate popular vote should be retiredimmediately.”

That would be a convenient explanation if most states had split control between their legislature, which is subject to gerrymandering shenanigans, and their governor, which is not. As it is, post-2016 elections, there will be fully half the country where the GOP has control of the state House, state Senate, and

Except, he wasn’t really that rich or successful from his NFL days. He was a superstar in college and had a decent rookie year in the NFL, but fizzled out pretty quickly due to injuries and drug use. Imarine if you spent the first 20 years of your life learning one specific skill, but by 25 nobody would pay you to

And how many extra seats in congress would that have won? hor many extra governors or state legislatures under Democrat control?

Because of all the possible reasons that Democrats are losing at every level in this country, a few thousand third party voters definitely tops the list.