
It’s kind of hypocritical outrage, too. A white blogger, no doubt along with many commenters here, is complaining about ‘white saviors’ by trying to be the savior who explains to a Chinese director how to correctly recognize and address issues supposedly holding back non-white actors.

Uh, he was on the same ticket with the black dude who won the previous two elections with the help of those rust belt whites.

He could have, but none of the witness statements that have come out mention that, which would be kind of a big thing for a witness to miss.

We’re not supposed to question Obama, we just need to know his tastes in music.

Hey now, some also talked about how some sports teams should change their names, isn’t that enough?

And what prize did that win get you?

This is hilarious...all summer all we heard was how ‘privileged’ people are if they weren’t doing everything in their power to keep Trump out of the white house, and now you geniuses are blatantly saying we don’t need to put any effort into trying to attract more voters, all we need is to remove some barriers that

I did not say GWB was more qualified than Hillary. I said that G*HW*B was the last first time president we elected who was the most qualified candidate. Now sure, the idea that he was more qualified than Dukakis can be debatable, but I’m very certain Hillary wasn’t in that race.

No, hey, great, I’m with’s been much longer than I initially believed that you’ve been deluding yourself into thinking that qualifications correlate with electability. I gladly stand corrected.

Now you’re just trying to go off on a tangent. The simple and plainly observable fact is that the ‘most qualified’ candidate in an election has not equaled ‘most likely to win’ for a significant time. And if you’re trying to argue against HW being very qualified also, great, you’re just helping to prove my point even

Vs. Dukakis? what the fuck are you injecting?

“She was the most qualified candidate of my lifetime. Special enough.”

I’m not going to say Bernie *would* have beaten Trump, but Jesus fucking Christ, primary/caucus voter pool =/= general election voter pool.

“The hard right in red states will never vote Democrat for cultural reasons.”

“Both MSFA Chairwoman Michele Kelm-Helgen and Executive Director Ted Mondale say confidentiality is critical as they seek to book the stadium’s event spaces to cover the cost of amateur events such as high school football, baseball and soccer games, along with University of Minnesota baseball games.”

Can’t she just ask Zack and Screech to come up with some zany scam to get the money from them?

Because if there’s anyone who is in a position to judge how others approach LGBTQ issues, it’s Jordan Sargent.

Are you talking about Gretchen or Hillary?

I...I cant tell if that’s his team photo or mugshot.

Yeah but -1 for ripping on the Missing Link

Yeah but -1 for ripping on the Missing Link