
Ok then, how about humor them? Pretend to listen to their concerns enough to pacify them, then let them get on with other things in their life. Maybe even tell them you "feel their pain." I mean, that’s only been a tactic of successul politicians for centuries now.

The number of people who believe in your example are miniscule enough that it can be metaphorically said “everyone disagrees with them” in which case I’ve already answered, they aren’t enough to affect anything in the first place. Feel free to ignore them.

You specifically made a point to indicate a situation where “everyone” disagrees with someone. You even italicized it. If “everyone” disagrees with something, that something is not a threat. I’m sorry if it turns out you wasted your time creating a scenario you didn’t mean to, but that’s not my fault.

*shrug* If you prefer not to learn anything from this....

If *everyone* were in disagreement with them, they would not be a threat to affect anything in the first place.

Or this can be a lesson for people in power (and presumed front-runners for office)—don’t dismiss the concerns of disgruntled people even if you disagree with them.

The year before was pretty bad in hindsight, too. Drafted Mayo 3rd, traded for #5 pick Love....Westbrook went at #4.

I'm pretty sure that the people who listen to him are the ones at home watching on tv, which quite a few people are able to do.

Yeah I don’t get why they’re calling him the winner when he obviously got demoted from Deputy Chief of Police.

Ahhh, that explains it. You get your history lessons from Jezebel.

Oh, that’s where this woman was, in a safe space with members of her culture.

Oh, so you’re a segregationist. A segregationist who calls others "racist.” Interesting.

Why does pointing out one religion's shittiness prevent the same from happening to another religion? Both are shitty, and fuck you or anyone else who wants to hide behind accusations of ”racism” as a means to give one of them a pass.

*shrug* hero-worship over being good with kids wasn’t my idea.

Why does it matter that Obama is good with kids? Yet we see 10x as many articles here about that as we do about his use of drone warfare or his record-setting deportation numbers.

Because the most deportation-loving administration in US history really shows they care about undocumented immigrants by wanting to use different words to describe the people they're deporting.

I'm a dude who is wondering a) how a shortened version of a place name is a "racial" slur, and b) why other similar shortened versions of place names aren't. Brits? Swedes? Aussies? Seriously, "the J word"

No, you obviously can’t.

Does kike have anything to do with the actual name of the place where someone is from? Are Jews from Kikeland or Kikistan?

Why is it so difficult to explain why something offends people beyond merely saying “because it offends people”?