
If someone is saying something hateful about people from Japan, it can most likely be inferred from other parts of their statement than the word "Japs" though (ex: "People of Japanese citizenship and ancestry fucking suck") so I still fail to see why that word makes a difference, and especially why it's somehow

Ok, and I kinda get that...but at the same time, were people just calling Japanese citizens Japs because they thought they were inherently inferior or something, or, was there some major event involving Japanese people that made a bunch of white americans angry at them?

And if “Japs” is a slur, why does nobody throw a fit over “Brits”?

I'm not saying any of the three apply to myself...

ahhh what I say when I bump into fellow white folk who are tall, fit, and have hair...I get it!

Im a Cardinals fan, and fuck him.

Cat Boy is gettin some action tonite

Never watched Good Wife, why didnchyall tell me CB was on there?

Except that take pretty much means that writing to complain about nobody dying is pointless in the first place. Either way, a headline mentioning that nobody dies shouldn’t exist.

People who exploit dead soldiers to build their own brand are bigger dicks. Honor Tillman with military medals, but he's not a HoF football player.

I'll gladly vote for Hillary if she can spit/swat her gum.

Are you saying it’s somehow not Hillary’s fault that she said something blatantly untrue about Nancy Reagan being an AIDS hero? Who else made her say it?

Because Trump supporters were waiting for Olbermann’s input before making up their minds totally.

And they'd go triple apeshit if someone said "maybe the victim did something to incite the attack"

Thing is, its not just BernieBros who have said they wont vote for Hillary. As long as Hillary and Jeb have ever been rumored as candidates there have been plenty of people saying they dont want another Bush or Clinton. It’s not their fault that the parties lacked either the imagination or willingness to build support

I hope you get some higher standards

“slanted journalism" needs to be re-oriented?

Totally, he forgot the word "red"

No, you see, I called you a shit, not an abortion. Your attempt at a funny comment was shitty, and your grasp of my comment was even shittier. You are a turd.