I still think Lavine had the better overall showing, but damn, that AG under-the-butt dunk was the best thing Ive seen in years
I still think Lavine had the better overall showing, but damn, that AG under-the-butt dunk was the best thing Ive seen in years
Yeah, Im totally the passionate one.
And yet you're the one who thinks it's "bullshit" that healthcare policy isn't discussed without limitation during a sporting event.
How did you manage to avoid getting flushed?
Thank god a white guy has finally come along to make fun of how a black woman is doing her job.
Censorship by private entities is entirely acceptable in America. You'd be the first person on his knees to sniff the farts of a private employer who fired someone for posting a picture with a gun on facebook.
Because black women who arent mindless democrats are doing something wrong....
Sure, for a fat fuck like him, he has to be constantly worried who will treat his next heart attack.
Sports? Her job, dipshit.
“Democrats can be so damn stupid” was proven when the party decided after 2012 that they didnt need to groom any other potential candidates because "another Clinton" was good enough. They underestimate the number of voters who are tired of the idea of ping-ponging back and forth between two families.
It means Hipster Beer Elitists and Hipster Pizza Elitists fingers are gonna be callused in the morning.
This...its not just 2 or 3 teams with crappy FT shooters, its damn near every game, college or pro, the trailing team just fouls and fouls and fouls to keep stopping the clock. If theres any rule change, they should institute a clock runoff like the NFL.
Because having an additional runner on base makes the game less entertaining?
So lets reward players who are shitty at defense instead?
I made plenty of my own mistakes on my first build, took me about 5 hours before I nearly got everything put together....but the worst part was when I go to install the cpu fan, and notice the backplate cutout was too small for me to access the top 2 fan screws. Thinking Id installed the motherboard incorrectly, I…
He’s part of the ‘machine’ establishment, she’s part of the ‘leadership’ establishment.
I didn’t say anything about Bernie. But hey that’s cool that you learned a new term today, “Berniebro”, and want to use it a lot just like that person who learned the big word “smear.” I’m sure you’re impressing someone with that.
Thats cool. And I heard Hillary say that Hitler was the best guy ever, and it’s totally true because I said so on the internet.
I mean, I get it, you learned a new big word today, “smear”, so you want to use it a lot, but I don’t think it means what you think it means.
What is your alternative, online safe spaces for Hillary and her supporters?