Ah, i see... the big meanies who are being unfairly vicious, and to eventually be hlamed for Hillary not winning, are internet commenters. And you think this is a good excuse to perpetuate.
Ah, i see... the big meanies who are being unfairly vicious, and to eventually be hlamed for Hillary not winning, are internet commenters. And you think this is a good excuse to perpetuate.
I mean, we keep hearing from Hillary supporters about how toughened she is after years of GOP attacks, and here you guys are saying that Bernie freaking Sanders of all people is acting mean and vicious? Doh-kay...
it really doesnt make Hillary supporters look very confident about her chances of winning when you’re already looking for ways to pin some blame on Bernie and his supporters for a November loss.
As opposed to the idiocy on full display here of well-meaning people who throw around accusations of Islamaphobia towards conservatives, only to turn around and be shocked! that a person of the Islamic faith would actually practice that faith rather than just act as a ‘diversity’ decoration for their party.
Not necessarily...ending the drug war would be fiscally conservative and a benefit to sufferers of systemic oppression.
Devil’s advocate here, he didn’t say it’s unfair to ask, rather that it’s unfair for people who are not in Kroenke’s position to state that if they were in his position, they’d gladly piss away an extra few hundred million without considering all other options.
Heh heh, you said “Mount himself”
Is there some reason you don’t like having it pointed out that Mizzou students were trying to keep ALL media out?
Well, in the Mizzou case, they were trying to keep all journalists out, not just one specific guy who they had a grudge against.
More than 2.
Here’s another math challenge...how many Is are there in “Urban Meyer gets paid five point eight six million dollars?”
Counting to 2 is hard.
Cherry-picking one half of one sentence from Kristoff’s column and somehow using that to link him to these yik yak clowns only further convinces me that the left is undergoing its own Tea Party moment. Everyone is either unquestioningly with you, or they’re with the enemy. Where have I heard that before?
Yes, that was intentional. Now watch while I attempt to make a point by posting in ALL CAPS.
Sorry, I don’t play DFS. Besides, I don’t like having opportunistic politicians in the room, so that would undoubtedly make it difficult for you to get aroused.
Oh no, I’m very self aware. I just don’t pretend I’m better. Lol.
“Fuck every person in America who plays daily fantasy sports.”—-guy who comments on the internet.
At least he didn’t use “lol” in his comment.
It’s 10,000 restaurant altercations, thankyouverymuch.
Ok, it’s a dumb sign, but it really takes some Dean Bitterman level of crustiness to find anything outrage-worthy in it.