
So correct me.

“Occupying much of the same part of the Internet is the claim that Mohamed didn’t invent a clock”

And jorts. Jorts.

Well I sure hope Rob Manfred lays the hammer down on the Cardinals before this retaliation concept becomes some kind of common occurrence.

JFC...his DK mentions are annoying as hell, but they’really no more damaging to his credibility than are certain websites’ advertisements disguised as blog posts.

Racist? Still proving your inability to read...see ya.

Better go call the PC Police then.

Two is a lot to handle for some people.

Eh...going after First Take and it’s characters who are paid to say controversial things isn’t even worth it’s on par with arguing over the outcomes of pro wrestling matches.

You’res not doing a great job of showing off your reading skills.

That’s what lumping is.

Maybe because he thinks we are supposed to have a preconceived notion of how Sherman should feel about this issue? And yes, by mentioning the “context” of one side being more similar to what conservatives or Jason Whitlock, two obvious and frequent targets of Deadspin/Gawker ridicule, might say, it’s painfully obvious

And a box of tissues right next to it.

I already drink piss-flavored beer, so why not?

I’m definitely not a Hillary fan, but I agree, she’s being put in a no-win situation. And I disagree entirely with the idea that lack of power is an excuse for a lack of solutions. If you’re seeking and are granted an audience with a major political figure, that is your moment of power.

I don’t really give two shits, and I also don’t give any shits about a dad deciding to take away from his kids an award that everyone seemingly agrees is meaningless, especially to the kids.

Then why not just give them a participation award that isn’t a trophy? Seems to me that might even save some money.

The dress. It had to be the damn dress.

There are plenty of men, with money, who also are not into sports. Now imagine if a team came up with a plan to get those guys interested, and that plan was based on the assumtion that they are nerds and geeks, and the enticements were pocket protectors and slide rules with the team logo, or football themed Dungeons