
For me it clicked a few years ago when I realized it wasnt that I necessarily needed something new, but just the ability to switch things up once in a while. Instead of getting rid of my older items when i buy something new, i now hang on to them, and say if i get bored looking at the same laptop after a few months,

The comparison is that Natasha herself thinks both are equal in their journalistic value.

Reminds me of another institution where fellow employees circle the wagons to defend and protect one of theirs who screws up.

Did most of these things when i stayed with my granddad instead, ran his own appliance repair service, so trips to the junkyard were frequent. And, he lived right across the road from a sale barn.

Yyeah, poor A-Rod

Blatt may not be the right coach, but if LeBron is the one who goes down with injury for some amount of time then I think Stein is correct, the Cavs would be left with a coach who commands no respect, and surely that’s the worst possible scenario. Even without the idea of LeBron being injured, a semi-competent coach

This is true. As a Cards fan and also someone who went to the U of MN during the Clem Haskins scandal there is no doubt the latter was easier to get through once the Gophers became irrelevant.

True, but those aren’t the fans, and they’re not applauding his DV policing abilities.....

This is what bugs me too.....and where she says “Goodell convinced football fans that he could do a better version of policing domestic violence than our court system.”—-yeahhhhh, I’m pretty sure the line of people waiting to pat Goodell on the back for any of his disciplinary moves is pretty small, and the only

More like attacking a family member twice, then attacking another family member, then threatening to attack the cops who responded.

It’s Missouri, so probably.

As a Cardinals fan, I’d much rather they make the news for this kind of heeldom than for having fans who support Darren Wilson.

Is that a Batman logo on its chest?

Once as a kid, 7 or 8 years old maybe, I used some cardboard and aluminum foil to make my own championship belt, kind of in the style of the Big Gold Belt, and right on the front I pasted a picture of Dusty, pointing at the camera and looking angry like he’d just been dumped by Babydoll.....really wish I still had

So in other words, “How dare he accuse ESPN of making decisions based on ratings, doesn’t he know that’s Deadspin’s gimmick?”

So, only popular viewpoints are worth expressing?

All the benches cleared.......there at Marlins Park........and they say he flipped his bat

I could believe a lot of people feel that way based on a genuine difference in interpretation.....I mean, yeah, it takes courage to do what Jenner did, but she also had a ton of resources and support to help her through it, far more than most other people......

That said, when it comes to the people who actually take

I don’t mind the idea of pitchers not having to hit.....but for the DH itself, I’d rather see a limit, say 30-40 games, of how many times one player can be used as a DH each year.

And Tim mentions the biopic about Bob Dylan, who is also from Minnesota, and wrote the song “Like a Rolling Stone” 50 years ago, and the Stones are playing at TCF Stadium tomorrow, which is where Adrian Peterson will play this season.