Notorious Hugs

His explanation for how Thanos and Quill escaped the imploding cancerverse was fucking awful. I have no one to blame but myself though, I kept reading because I needed SOME answer. I was hoping for a good one but no… no no no.

To be fair, in Superior, Otto wasn't pretending to be good, he was trying to be good to prove he would be better than Parker. Sure he was doing it for the wrong reason and his methods weren't exactly great at times but I think Slott did a good job with that after issue… let's say 8 or 9.

Hickman's run is a masterpiece in my opinion, a slow burn that you could say started in his FF run and ending gloriously. And he had two events (Infinity and Secret War) that worked.

The main problem for me with the first Civil War mini was that most of the meat of the story was collected in the tie-in solo books, most notably Amazing Spider-Man. Because of that it felt like I was reading a clip show type book that you could never really feel too invested in since it jumped around way too damn

I'll wait for the origin story then the gritty reboot

This show is great, I watched it and I'll hold it up with any Greg weisman show

For the longest time I thought I was the only person who thought that show was amazing. Thank you, internet for asssuring me I wasn't alone

To the Bones-mobile!

I sincerely hope they don't film any feet so we can pretend it's like reading one of his books.

Must be how I feel about Jason X. Space machete! Not starring Danny Trejo but now that I mention that, it's the fight I need to see!

I hadn't realized it made that much. That's insane. I knew the audience reviews were a bit higher though, but still. Wow.

Fun and character development. One or the other would have raised that tomato-meter like 30%

My main quarrel with SS is the fact the they needed them for jobs that the mainstreams couldn't do and yet it was exactly a job for the mainstreams.

Unfortunately both my sisters sort of fall into this category, one has a daughter but she'll watch it in her own and both will sometimes talk to the tv. They'll react with "oh my god" and "are you serious?" And then laugh and then I continue wonder which one of my parents stole me from my biological parents.

I they'd rather have you watch one of their Happy Madison movies. Especially the Kevin James one.

Truly, Netflix is history's greatest monster

I think you mean HITLERY!! Sending troops to their doom is her weekend hobby!

This is probably the most accurate way to describe this year for me.

It's not a DC comic so they probably don't want it

I think that was during Fear Itself, Chris Bachalo's talent was completely wasted on that storyline. FFBMB could have just had one character on the page since it was all the same "witty banter"