Notorious Hugs

Every time I read Amanda Waller I imagine CCH Pounder's voice and it elevates whatever book it is for me.

I feel like there are multiple deadpool months. I'm not a huge fan of variants with a theme or gimmick but I actually do like these hip-hop ones

That red dress in episode one really tempted me but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it.

I like when they shoehorn in a Netflix-Original Adam Sandler movie recommendation because I watched The Jungle Book.

Screw it, someone call Nicolas Cage

He should have told them he'd do the 21 Jump Street/MIB crossover. Seems like a slam dunk.

Hear, hear!

Could be worse. Could be Michael Bay.

In space no one can hear you squeal.

I hadn't heard Danny McBride was going to be in this. Are we sure this isn't a Judd Apatow reimagining? Because if I see Seth Rogen getting high with some Xenomorphs… well it'll actually probably still be better than AVP:R

More symbiotes!!!


That's actually how I found about David Bowie. I believe I was on his Wiki page and I was listening to Black Star and it had the date of his death and I immediately googled it. I think the news had only been broken for about an hour or so.

Excelsior, true believer!

This is actually very endearing

I think I read that James Gunn said he was getting some of the biggest laughs in test screenings. Definitely got some big laughs from me so I'm really glad this panned out for him. But honestly, I've learned long ago to just trust Marvel's casting.

They're actually hiding the fact it's proper title is Guardians V Galaxy.

That's how you know they did their job, for me though this only makes the wait until May 5th seem like an eternity

it's completely justified, it's ok to love what the mighty marvel machine is doing

Big match John Cena always comes out on top