Notorious Hugs

Catastrophe ended being really god damn good.
I can't wait until the Tick gets the full season put up.

It was already approved but with Melissa McCarthy instead.

Weird, it's almost like women don't like being harassed.

Depends on what you consider a sport

"And not replicate the unsuccessful Haunted Mansion"

I think the fact her feet show up at all is against his taste

It was decent. Nothing memorable though so you could have very well been watching and just forgot half of it.

At least you had Bojack…

They want to make love to us instead?

Maybe the robots don't even want to rule us anymore. Maybe we're not worth the effort.

But having Larry didn't help. First one was serviceable, couldn't even finish the second

I had that same demo disc. I think metal gear solid and tomba were on it too if memory serves correctly

It's the American way!

At least he wanted to help people

I could be married to Linda Cardellini without having any of that other stuff and I'd be fine.

But Crocodile Dundee is timeless

Seems especially relevant these days

Seconded, I legitimately didn't think this was on the air still

Holy shit!

Maybe if Sony could keep it in their pants long enough for Peter to get his job at the Bugle and have this 18 year old out shine Tom Hardy in every aspect of the job as well as embarrass him as Spider-Man…