Notorious Hugs

Tremors 2 isn't terrible in an unwatchable way at all. I remember liking it well enough, Fred Ward had a big hand in that.

They didn't, and I was really looking for a Chris Farley voiced grabboid.

Pretty much, unfortunately the Rock can't carry that show all on his own. Maybe if had been a movie but not a series

I think that was Passion of the Christ

"I Bat-shotgun people in the face until Ma Kent is safe"

Totally read this as "overly gay" and thought to myself, the cave scene wasn't THAT sexy

Exactly, I liked it. Didn't like it as much as the first, though I really wanted to, but I think everyone for some reason really likes to hate Joss Whedon for whatever reason, maybe the quirks he throws into his movies? I don't know.

I guess you could call it an idea, not a plan

Oh you liked Pulp Fiction? Have you tried our Kevin James movie? Please?

"Work booze, work"

And me!

Just keep going about your day, possibly start a pun thread or maybe throw out some Simpsons quote.

Well I'm glad those Hollywood honchos have some foresight

At the same time

The Spider-Man 2 game on PS2 was so much fun for me. If only for web-slinging through New York, repetitive side missions be damned.

The sad part is that I'd probably buy that

I might have watched that trailer on YouTube. Hopefully they'll announce it at D23 then, I'm tired of seeing that placeholder date on Amazon.

You've found out my terrible secret, but I do wish you strength when you have to traverse the Ice Age series for the gazillionth time.

Is there still no release date for Kingdom Hearts 3? I'd like to play it before we all die

I'm still waiting for Red Dead Redemption