
Who’s ass is that??? I’m confused by the bodily positioning here. I want to say it’s doesn’t seem like a person could bend their back that way?

Yes, but George, when you ruin your children, sometimes the state has to take them away from you for their own welfare.

Eh. I’m not big on it either but as far as it goes, this seems relatively harmless. Sure there are logical contradictions but if you want to be all pro-Jesus while doing nice things for people and seeming to be a nice person, then I figure you can be as into 2,000 year old Jewish carpenters as you like.

Someone on Twitter recently (I wish I could remember who) pointed out that, the way it was originally written and performed, what this song is really about is a woman who wants to buck social norms of propriety and stay with him but feels pressured to leave so she doesn’t suffer social consequences and stigma. And

I think so. Especially if they are talking about social issues. A lot of people think actors/celebrities should just shut up and do their jobs and be pretty. They shouldn’t speak up because who cares about what they have to say?

It was all about the Puppy Surprise. There were tears when I only got 3 puppies as opposed to the much desired 5.

Mermaid Barbie

this bit was my favorite part

My primary takeaway is that Kanye now has a mustache, based on his emoji.

What. The. Fuck.

Forget my weirdest sex dream, LET’S TALK ABOUT SPIKE. Good god, I would do very bad things with that man, (with his fake accent)

I like his little “this is a good baby” ... ::smooch:: at the end. Like kissing the top of its little head was just an involuntary reaction to seeing a baby head. This guy really likes kids!

Do you hate her because she’s in her late 30s and looks 17 and has been playing a teenager on TV since 1992?

I just felt like we needed a full shot of Rebel looking fucking BOSS in this dress. ALSO HER BAG IS A CANDY. She looks like Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century went to a fancy party and I love it.

That article was really well done. I appreciated the honesty and perspective the writer brought to it.

He’s a man, and he’s a man tasked with illustrating male fantasies for men. Are you not surprised?

Of interest: The porn industry is quicker to drop someone over allegations of rape than the NFL or NCAA.

Young, scared, pregnancy hormones, fear, tepidation......
The baby is safe that’s all that matters.

While I agree that rape and sex are fundamentally different, the whole “rape is always about power and control, and never about sexual desire” thing that has been accepted as a truism really goes too far.

I love Allen. I want to pinch his cheeks like an old Grandma.