
Is this purely a generation of prequels? I have a huge issue with the subtitle of this piece.

Omg those hamsters. I loved those hamsters. Hours of play with those.

THIS. Omg this has to be the most distracting caption image. All I want to do is binge watch Buffy now.

Um, no girl, no I don't. But I appreciate the fact that they are sending a msg to the mainstream that being openly sexual is ok, being gay is ok and being transgender is ok. I'd rather the Ks than Duck Dynasty. #allimsayin

It’s easy to target the Kardashians because they are maybe the most shameless, because they are widely perceived as the most talentless?

Well I knew what I was getting myself into here, but in regards to your argument let it be known that nearly every “hot” female celebrity that’s unabashedly flaunting her body and fortune is a symbol of excess and indulgence #Rihanna

I get you but just hear me out: the Kardashians are a band of women who are making money on their own terms, and (for better or for worse) proud of their choices and their lifestyles. They may not always want the world to believe they’re feminists...because their success rides on mainstream acceptance, but they are

Honestly why would this obviously frightened women want to have any contact with staff inside a hospital, firehouse etc...and leaving a newborn OUTSIDE of those buildings is surely less appealing then putting said newborn inside a manger which may have looked more inviting and safe from her perspective.

Right on

We actually worked through it. I know that sounds like bullshit, but we went to therapy and I was able to forgive and he was able to change and never pull that shit ever again. We were also really young. That’s the difference I think, between more violent/power driven rape and domestic rape that happens in an

The rape is not about sex theory only covers a portion of rape. Certainly serial rapists are acting under deeper needs of control and power. But there are many many kinds of rape, and many scenarios in which rape can happen and some of those scenarios are driven by sex and sexual desire.

Maybe that’s less you “liking” them and more your brain succumbing to the brainwashing.

“Your sister was never this fat...”

I’m 30 yrs old and my hair is inexplicably falling out, so lately my self care routines have become a lot more methodical:

Jeremy Renner is my favorite swear word.


I’m going to come clean and say that I’ve fallen several times over being startled by the idea of bugs. I was hiking over a river, thought I felt a bug on my hand and literally fell over backwards into the river. It was an instant reaction I couldn’t control.

I cannot believe how people are crucifying Amy P. and Amy S. (?!? Girl wasn’t even there) in this thread.

I think that was Amy’s *blown away* face, like when you’re just slow clapping because something was so powerful. That’s what I got from it. Her speech was heartbreaking and touching but I don’t think it’s fair to expect everyone to be in tears... Or to assume that no tears means “white guilt” or nonchalance.

My thoughts exactly. This may not be an internal issue that can just be flagged as “not enough diversity in the tech industry.”