
See my replies elsewhere in this thread.

See my replies elsewhere in this thread.

The weaponry in Destiny and Halo is definitely comparable to real world military hardware, though, and the head shots and grenade tosses and melee kills are definitely more intense than anything in Lego’s cops and robbers/pirates/knights, etc. lines, and thus the issue.

As I’ve said elsewhere in this thread, Lego has a (mostly) unwritten philosophy of not doing realistic looking guns and real world violence. How well they’ve adhered to this philosophy over the years is obviously debatable. The basic point of this particular thread, though, is that Lego hasn’t gone after licenses like

From Lego:

Other than Star Wars, Lego has said they won’t do toys with guns.

I hope you realize that Top Gear actually licenses its particular format to be made by networks in other countries. It’s not a ripoff, it’s an authorized copy of the formula made with the blessing of Top Gear and the BBC.

Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway is one of my personal favorites. The gameplay is an interesting mix of FPS and strategy, and a real effort is made to tell a meaningful story.

I balked at that, too. This is so obviously inspired by ‘50s B movies.

I would love to see a new Colony Wars, a franchise that hasn’t been seen since the days of the original Playstation.

James Earl Jones wasn’t initially credited for voicing Darth Vader because he declined the credit. From Wikipedia:

I work nights and usually get up around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, when then sun is up and my room is already lit up fairly well. Will these things still work in that kind of setting?

I work nights and usually get up around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, when then sun is up and my room is already lit up

You think the back of this looks worse than the uterus on the back of a regular F12?

This is probably the stupidest list Jalopnik has ever put together. With the exception of the Giulia there isn’t a single car on here that has ever been regarded as “pretty.” As has been pointed out elsewhere in this thread, the Jaguar E-type coupe is a much better example of a design that is highly regarded but

I don’t think Bill Buckner would agree with you. Or the 2011 Texas Rangers.

Roger Penske’s Indy/CART efforts. Thirteen series championships and 16 Indy 500 wins.

Except “Ford” isn’t a team. The ‘66 and ‘67 races were won by Shelby American, and the ‘68 and ‘69 wins were by J.W. Automotive Engineering, a British outfit. Sorry, but I just don’t think “Ford” is a valid answer.

Crack pipe. My dad had a car virtually identical to this (1991 V8 Quattro with the five speed, pearl over black, and really nice BBS wheels). It was great, deceptively fast big car, but developed way too many issues and was super expensive to fix.

I think one reason I lost interest in Sony’s consoles during the PS2 generation was the fact that the franchises I was really into just sort of faded away. Colony Wars hasn’t been seen since the PS1 days, and Wipeout is a shell of it’s former glory. And don’t even get me started on Psygnosis...

Isn’t it sad that every Playstation since the first has had a successively lamer boot up sequence?