
I work at Target and can speak to the fact that there’s TONS of stuff we don’t sell, and you’ve got to wonder at what cost...

Everything is better in density. Easier to police, better responses from emergency services, fewer schools, fewer roads to build and maintain. Everything you need to support a population is just easier and cheaper to do. Zoning laws basically make this impossible. This is why the suburbs are killing America.

I think there’s more to it than just GotG. He probably had to be in pretty good shape to play a professional baseball player in Moneyball, and also had to get in good shape to play a Navy SEAL in Zero Dark Thirty. At the same time, he also probably had to be kind of shlubby for Parks and Rec. Point is, he’s probably

There’s also a very good ESPN 30 for 30 documentary about Richmond.

I feel your pain. There are so many videos I won’t click on for fear of the effect it will have on the algorithm...

I know. Fuck this list.

That blue roadster is sexy AF.

I think the rims are fine, but the lack of gold is an odd choice...

You are not the only one.

I’ve been watching the network broadcast on Peacock and it’s the regular announcers, so I’m not sure what you’re talking about in that regard. I know that the streaming replays Peacock has uses the world feed, but the live broadcast is the same thing that’s on NBC.

Speed Champions sets have been around for several years now and the minifigs have always been the generic yellow variety, even in sets that “represented” real-world drivers. Not sure why they’d change now.

Grew up in the Bay Area and I used to do this, too. Took me a long time to stop when I moved to another state.

Yeah, these idiots are clearly driving onto the sidewalk. Not sure what the issue is here beside bad drivers...

Yeah, as others have said, pit lane speed limits are a fairly recent development. I can remember the days when cars used to fly down the pit lane. If I remember correctly there was a really bad accident involving a crew member at a NASCAR race in the 90s that helped bring in speed limits.

Is it always the same one, though? I seem to remember hearing that the original was destroyed at some point and he replaced it.

It’s hilarious how many commenters are confusing Chief Creative with Chief Executive Officer. Very different job, guys. Very different. 

What you’re not taking into account is that it took 25-30 years for cars to catch back up to the power/performance numbers of those muscle cars, which is why they were legendary for so long. They were also affordable. Those muscle cars were the fastest, most powerful road cars you could get, and pretty much anyone

lol, you’re a moron. Let me know when you have something substantive.

Yes, leave. You’ve got nothing. STFU and GTFO.