
I put about 100 hours into the Xbox 360 version. If they ported it to the Xbox One I’d probably put in another 100. Such an underrated game.

I remember. And I remember how crazy the commenters on Kotaku were to get people to do all the stupid things to get the game to release early. Seems like quite the double standard to me.

Willow’s Springs is a pretty bare bones facility in the middle of nowhere, these days used mostly for testing and Youtube shoots. And it’s certainly not going to hold a major spectator event.

Except, where are you going to road race said cars in SoCal? Laguna Seca and Sears Point are both in NorCal. SoCal’s got what? Some Rovals?

smh. That was the lamest attempt at a “joke” I’ve ever seen.

I don’t know what kind of math you’re doing, but 0.5 x 2 = 1.

Uh, the equipment they have is the same junk the Iraqi’s had that we went through like a warm knife through butter. Go read all the reports about how the Russians were freaked out about the inferiority of their equipment following the Invasion of Iraq.

Big fan of Black and Blue as well. Really, I think the Stones’ 70s albums are some of their most interesting.

Yeah, I don’t get the debate here. Hatchbacks have long been advertised as 3- and 5-doors.

I had PS+ for a while and thought the selection of games was pretty good. It helped that I had only recently bought a PS3 at the time and didn’t really have any games for it. As for Games with Gold, I’ve had a 360 since 2007 and an Xbone since last year, and quite often I already have the games they’re offering, or I

Netflix and Youtube have been working horribly on my Xbox One for about a week. They both work fine on my 360, though.

I’ve played through Spec Ops: The Line several times and I’ve never understood this gameplay complaint. The game played just fine to me, pretty much just like an Uncharted game. Maybe some people just weren’t any good at it...

Ass Creed or CoD games are going to go out the door on the already publicized launch date regardless of preorders or the state of the game. Same goes for Halo, Madden, GTA, etc.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. The release dates that publishers and developers force on themselves (such as to hit the holiday season, etc.) has way more to do with the epidemic of broken games than preordering does. And because broken games can be patched post-release, they have no problem sticking with those

It was the British bombed German cities by night. The Americans bombed German factories, train yards, fuel depots, etc. by day, keeping all that material from wiping out your vaunted Russian peasant army.

Yeah, that’s why Stalin kept crying like a baby for the Allies to open a second front...

And none of that would have counted for shit if they didn’t have fuel, food and other materials. T-34s don’t run on sugar and spice.

Yeah, I have. What allowed the Russians to build and transport and fuel all those T-34s? And what kept them from getting overwhelmed by superior German Tiger and Panther tanks? See my other replies for the answer.

From Wikipedia: