
I see people like you do this all the time. You think the Soviets made the biggest contribution to the war effort because they lost millions of people and minimize the U.S. effort because our casualties were relatively low. Victory was made possible because the U.S. bombed German industry into the stone age, built

The three super heroes turn into the three cars, then the woman chooses one to jump into so she can drive the hell out of that crumbling city. Everything else is just to grab your attention. Not sure why this is so difficult to understand...

I would pay serious money for that one.

I’m sorry, but unless you’re really interested in PvP or have a group of friends who are really dedicated to the game, Destiny is just as unrelentingly lame as ever.

This happens because the people making these games are doing so while sitting two feet away from a computer screen.

I played through The New Order last year and liked it. I’m playing through this right now and liking it as well. No, they aren’t quite the same experience, but you know what? The New Order was a $60 retail game, The Old Blood is a $20 downloadable title, basically a glorified XBLA/PSN game. I didn’t have the same

Your avatar is some cliche anime character. Do you really want to get into an argument about taste?

Lots of people do.

To me, it isn’t monotony. This conversation, though...

Yes, but driving your car to work isn’t the same as driving a Formula 1 car around Monaco, not by a long shot. Neither is doing it in a video game, but it’s as close as most of us enthusiasts will ever get.

I understand that there’s racing in games like Burnout, but the hook of those games, the gimmick, is the crashing, the chaos. Everything else is fake cars in a fake city driving around on fake streets. I like being able to race real-world cars on real-world tracks and seeing how fast a lap time I can set.

I like these kinds of games because I’m a pretty serious car guy and auto racing fan and they give me a chance to do something that I will never get to do in real life. Burnout games (and the like) aren’t racing games to me, they’re crashing games.

I also like seeing a different take on the character. If everyone just wants to see the same Joker over and over, why don’t they just rewatch the existing movies?

I was 15 at the time. I hated Nicholson. Admittedly, though, I was definitely in the minority.

Movies that should probably be on this list: Stalag 17, The Enemy Below, Sink the Bismarck, Twelve O'Clock High, Fury.

I toured this ship back in the day during Fleet Week in San Francisco. Sad to see her go.

Not really. They work for the BBC; they'll eventually be assigned to something else.


Reminds me of the box art from all the model kits I built as a kid.

It's not quite clear just how