
I've actually been pulled over in a situation nearly identical to the one you described (I wasn't speeding being the only difference). If the aforementioned cop is just about done with his perp, he may just finish up, get in his car and hurry to catch up with you.

I know this isn't going to be a popular opinion, but if a retailer doesn't want to sell a particular product, that's their prerogative. I'm sure there are all sorts of products retailers choose to not carry for a variety of reasons, like cigarettes and adult magazines. And it's not as if Rockstar can't get other

Bioshock 1, 2 and Infinite.

The only parts I ever replaced were the ones that typically wear out on all cars - brake pads, the clutch disc, bulbs, etc. Never had a problem with the Quattro system, or the engine and transmission, nor have any of the other people I've known who owned similar cars. My parent's Ford, however, always had something

Funny you should compare an Audi and a Fairmont. I had an '85 4000S Quattro. Leather interior and nothing squeaked. Had over 300,000 miles on the engine/tranny. The thing never stopped working. My parents had a '79 Fairmont that probably started falling apart the minute it rolled off the assembly line. It never

Just a bit of constructive criticism ... The headline and accompanying text somewhat give the impression that Sgt. Giunta is the only living serviceman to receive the Medal of Honor since Viet Nam, as if he was just awarded it. According to Wikipedia, there are nine living recipients since Viet Nam.

Do bounties and patrol missions to raise your vanguard level. Do strikes to earn vanguard marks. Buy all four pieces of legendary armor from your class vanguard. That should help. Then grind for the necessary materials to upgrade your armor.

That would be so hilarious. And I can see them doing it, too.

Let's see her dance with Phogoth...

Assuming he has a job...

Maybe that's his moon tire.

You're not exactly correct. Yes, this is different from the TellTale game, and yes, Gearbox is involved. But it's actually being made by 2K-Australia with support from Gearbox.

This bugs the hell out of me, too. And then you discover that the reason no one is around to help is because they're all in the crucible sliding around and shotgunning each other in the face. I suspect that Destiny's fatal flaw is going to be that they included PvP multiplayer. There just aren't a lot of people around

Back in the day, I remember coming home from school and watching Indy practice all month long and how exciting it was to see how fast the cars were going one year after another. Then the split happened and the IRL happened and all my enthusiasm just died. I know it's hard to tell the difference between 200 and 220

I don't know if anything sounds better than a big block Chevy going through the gears.

Those motors aren't intended for street use. One is for marine applications and the other requires 110 octane gasoline. Not to mention the fact that they're both carburated.

Not on that engine cover, it's not. And don't even get me started on the idea of clear-coating this sort of patina. It just screams poser to me.

You mean like the crisis in the Ukraine, the Israeli/Hamas conflict, Ebola, and young black men getting gunned down in American cities? The Crew not getting ported to PS3 is hardly a tragedy, nor is it worth all your impotent rage and misdirected anger. Like I said, Ubisoft is a business, they can do whatever the hell

I'm not a real big fan of the whole "patina" thing, especially when it's faked.

You know what? I don't care. I don't care about this game. I don't care what their reasons are for not porting it to PS3. I don't care that you're so butt hurt about it. If they don't want to port it to PS3, that's their business. You need to stop freaking out about it; more important things are going on in the world.