Actually, all she recorded was the number one qualifying spot. Way to fact check, Jalopnik!
Actually, all she recorded was the number one qualifying spot. Way to fact check, Jalopnik!
I think I poured enough quarters into an Ikari Warriors machine in a liquor store in Point Richmond, CA to actually buy the cabinet. God I loved that game.
"More often than not, games like Call of Duty treat other countries and cultures like playgrounds and playthings. There's no weight, no consequence to our actions. Barely even a mention of the people our characters might be affecting..."
I wonder what this will mean for an HD Halo 2 on 360...?
Myself, and a lot of other people, actually consider it one of the better ones.
I was trying to be polite.
That headline is kind of terrible.
Third place isn't an accomplishment, nor is it reason to proclaim that they're coming for Audi's ass. They probably need to worry about Toyota's ass, too.
I like how Toyota finished first and second, but you seem to think the big news is Porsche finishing third.
I grew up in Richmond during the same time period. I got jumped at the Richmond BART station when I was about 16. I was just about the only white guy around, and, not surprisingly, no one bothered to help. I don't miss the east bay, and I certainly don't miss BART or AC Transit, either.
Friday Night Lights had the best finale in the history of finales.
You obviously haven't seen Friday Night Lights and it's perfect finale.
And as I keep saying, I DRIVE AT THE SPEED LIMIT. I'm not impeding traffic; the speed limit is. THE LAW IS. Why does some jerk have more of a right to speed than I do to obey the speed limit in the left lane? Seriously, to argue otherwise defies fucking logic.
Please explain to me how I'm the one fostering an unsafe situation when the douchebag behind me is both speeding and tailgating? That defies all logic, and if it is the law, then the law needs to be changed.
I'm sorry, but I just don't believe that I'm in the wrong if I'm obeying the speed limit and continually passing slower cars on my right. And until a cop pulls me over for it, I'll continue to believe that.
I can understand movie studios no longer wanting to flip the bill for full priced retail games that usually get panned by critics and only generate a handful of sales. However, I wish their smaller-scale strategy would at least extend to developing games for services like XBLA and PSN. I'd definitely pay $15 for a…
But in my experience the people aggressively tailgating and trying to drive over the speed limit in the left lane aren't doing so because they have no other choice because they have to get around someone, they do it because they're jerks who think they own the road. And 95 percent of the time there's plenty of room…
The link for The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is actually for the Xbox 360 version. Which I promptly jumped on.
My thought's exactly.