
How is the other guy not a dick for wanting to go double the speed limit? I honestly don't understand this reasoning.

I see this argument on Jalopnik all the time, and honestly, I don't understand the conventional wisdom that the person driving in the left lane at the speed limit is the more dangerous/inconsiderate/annoying driver than the people who aggressively tailgate and exceed the speed limit, which is illegal and potentially

I don't quite get the complaints about the combat or the violence, either. Infinite's a video game, and is supposed to be made up of video-gamey stuff. If you want it to be something else - like a book or movie - perhaps you should just go read a book or watch a movie instead. Leave the video games alone for those of

For one thing, the officials giving the press conference could have easily told the media beforehand if they're were going to be providing any important information. For another, the media could have let the press conference unfold and then broadcast the salient information to the public. There was no reason to

Except the mud slide was yesterday, and the "Breaking News" press conference offered no real information and could have easily been reported on after the end of the game.

And the press conference wasn't even particularly important or informative, which several people pointed out while complaining on KIRO's Facebook page.

Yes and no. If I were to just say "Seattle", which would be to simplify the answer so as to save time and not overly confuse people, I would be using "Seattle" as shorthand for "Washington State" or "The Puget Sound region" or "The Pacific Northwest," etc. But because I know that I don't live in Seattle and that

As someone who was born in Seattle (UW Medical Center) and currently lives on the eastside, I tell people in other parts of the country/world that I live near Seattle, about 30 minutes away. However, I never use "Seattle" as shorthand for the region.

I can't help but think that Putin is doing all of this simply because the Russian hockey team didn't medal in the Olympics. Now he needs something else to prove Russian manhood.

I kind of had the same opinion until I saw one in the flesh and decided I liked it.

I'm sorry, Boeing isn't a European company. Feel free to try again, though.

Oh wow, people who own luxury and exotic cars read Jalopnik. I'm so impressed. 10,000 people have read this article. Ten million saw the commercial when it ran during the Olympics. Like I said, you're not really relevant. How's that for a marketing class?

The target market is people who can afford these kinds of cars and buy them to say something about themselves to the outside world, nothing more, nothing less. It's not being targeted to people who read and comment on car blogs.

The ELR may be an overpriced meh to you, but this ad isn't targeted at you or any of the hipsters who write for Jalopnik. This might be hard for you to accept, but in this instance, you're kind of irrelevant.

Except the ad's not really about the ELR, which most of you can't seem to figure out. (And which is confirmed by the linked article, which states that the ELR was a last minute addition.) It's about America and Cadillac in general.

Except landing on the moon wasn't a cliche...

Like what, Ikea furniture? Doesn't really top landing on the moon.

I think it's a bit nitpicky to call it a copy when the Volt and the ELR are both GM products. Would you have this same attitude about Camaros and Firebirds, Chevelles and GTOs? This is what GM does, this is what all large car companies do. It doesn't mean the product is bad.

Like what, Ikea furniture? I don't think that tops landing on the moon...

Deleted. Sorry, wrong thread.